Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How did she do it?!

Can I be honest. For just a second. We have all asked the question, "how did she do it?" Usually when someone we know has recently shed a few pounds. A few months ago, I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while. The first thing I noticed when I saw her was that she had lost a significant amount of weight. I knew that she had trouble sticking to diets and weight loss plans in the past, so when I saw her I immediately complemented her by saying, "WOW, you look GREAT!" Of course, she brushed it off by saying, "oh thank you... I've just been busy." Busy? Really? That's it? No secrets. Nothing. She wasn't giving up any of her secrets.

The girls were about 3 months at the time and I was eagerly looking for a weight loss plan that would help get rid of the baby (babies) weight. I had been trying to eat healthy and work out a few times a week. It seemed as thought the weight was just not coming off. I was a bit insecure in my weight at the time and so I immediately compared my results with hers. I had turned down dessert after dinner, went to workout instead of napping, ate my vegetables, and cut out a lot of my favorite foods. And she lost weight because she had been busy? It wasn't her answer that frustrated me... but my reaction.

I realized something that day. Many of us, including myself, compare what we go through privately to what we see in others publicly. We see people take fancy vacations while we scrap for change to treat ourselves to a coffee. We see our friends  fulfilled in their life while we are in the "wilderness" not knowing what tomorrow holds. We see others fall in love and get married while we are obedient day after day, waiting for God to bring "the one" our way. It's frustrating and disheartening at times and it just seems unfair. But comparing what people are willing to admit publicly to what we go through behind closed doors will get us into a lot of trouble. It can be quite dangerous actually. If we are not careful, we can get caught up in a vicious cycle of comparing our lives with others. What we see of their lives is only a small piece of a bigger picture. Just because they don't tell the world that they have been eating grilled chicken and celery everyday doesn't mean they have lost weight "because they have been busy." :) We don't know what people have endured in order to be where they are or what they are currently going through to have what they have.

Comparing leaves us feeling discontent, ungrateful, and empty. When we are discontent we miss out on the day to day blessings that God has for us. Let's not fall into a habit of comparing. Instead, let's be people who embrace where we are in our journey while encouraging others in theirs! Your journey is your journey and is not made to be lived out by anyone else. So when we are tempted to ask, "How did she do it?" let's assume she has done it simply.... by the grace of God!

Friday, July 1, 2011

To all my friends...

Good morning or Good afternoon! (if you are reading this from the East Coast)

I wanted to write each of you a quick note to let you know how thankful I am that you and I are on this journey called life together. Many of you know that this BLOG was birthed out of one of the most challenging times of my life. I was on the phone with one of my "mommas in the faith" and as we were talking, she encouraged me to start using my gift to write and BLOG. I was a bit nervous at first. The thought of displaying my life's journey for all to see was a bit intimidating. I'm so glad I listened. 

This BLOG, now entitled, "TRUTH OR DARE" was never meant to be just another BLOG... because, we all know, there are plenty of them out there to read. It's purpose has always been to remind you of the TRUTH... God's WORD/ His promises to us, while DARING you to believe it! It has stretched me to be honest with where I have been, with where I am now, and with my concerns or expectations of where I am going... 

I have connected with a lot of old friends, kept up with my close friends, and have even met some new friends along the way. I have LOVED every response; whether it be a comment on Face Book, an e mail, or even a text. Thank you all for sharing with me your experiences! With so many of you spread across the country, It feels like we get a chance to "meet for coffee" every once in a while and encourage each other. :)

This is just the beginning! Over the next few weeks, I am going to be adding video Blogs to the mix. Many of you have asked me to...and so I will :) I have also been asked to write weekly...and so I will :) Thank you for stretching me! I think it will be fun to "meet for coffee" once a week, don't you? 

Like I mentioned earlier, many of you respond via e mail or on Face Book. If you would HELP ME by commenting on the BLOG page. I know many of you share personal things with me as well, so if you would, comment on the page as well as e mail or text me :) This will give us ALL an opportunity to share with one another!
I love each and everyone of you, and so humbled by how God has used this BLOG to speak to you, to encourage you, to excite you... Looking forward to our weekly coffee dates! 


Sarah Jo