Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bye Bye Diapers.

Mickey Mouse Diapers.

For about a month or so, my girls have seriously been begging us to let them go potty in the potty! They have told us over and over, "I no like diapers!" or "No more Mickey Mouse diapers!" Haha. They are for sure some smart little girls. I have gone back and forth about beginning this whole potty training thing. We have an upcoming trip to California that I was wanting to get back home and get settled before we said, "Bye, Bye Diapers!"

Disney Saves The Day!

Well my little plan didn't work. After a series of attempts to remove their diapers, BJ and I decided to go to the store and buy two potties! I posted a shout out to all the mommies who know a thing or two about potty training their little ones, and I was so grateful for all the tips! During my lunch break we took the girls on a true shopping adventure and purchased a Minnie Mouse potty, a Disney Princess potty, lots of snacks and a candy bar to get the excitement started!


When we got home, we said farewell to the diapers- the girls even tossed the diapers in the trash and said their goodbyes. We put them in their pink panties and made a huge deal about their new potties! They loved it...sort of! I don't think they were as excited as we thought they would be - but who gets excited about toilets? We sat them on the potty and waited. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I had to rush back to work, so I kissed them goodbye and waited eagerly for the "We went pee pee in the potty!" text. This is what I got instead.

Lets just say day one wasn't too successful. BJ spent more time in the bathroom than he did anywhere else! At one point he said that after Kennedi had wet herself for the second time she said in a very funny voice, "Mickey Mouse diapers please!!" The girls were just not feeling it, and refusing to use the restroom in their awesome, Disney potties! 

Day Two.

Same thing, different day. My husband spent the entire morning on all kinds of parent websites trying to find the "nuggets of wisdom" we have obviously been lacking! Everything they said to do, we tried. Just about all of them reminded us, that if they are just not responding to this new thing or if they seem to be opposing it, to stop for a few weeks and try again. Give up? Does that mean we should give up on this whole potty training thing? I thought they were ready, after all they begged us! We were the ones that wanted to wait!

BLOG Moment.

I just got off the phone with my amazing, stay at home daddy of a husband and during our conversation, we both considered putting the potty thing on hold for a week or so. As we were talking I of course, had a BLOG moment- hence the mid day blog post.

Looking in the Mirror.

How many times have I been that girl who begged and begged for change, something new, something different and when I saw all that it truly entailed, rejected it and even asked for my old thing/way of life back?  I am not exaggerating a single bit when I say my girls dislike their diapers! I have had seasons of my life when I simply did not like where I was or what I was doing, and in my ignorance begged and begged for different. I tend to be a risk taking junkie and love new things, but if I am transparent, not every new season have I embraced with such grace. Many times on the other side of change I have kicked and screamed and regretted my choice to change!

Going Back.

Why would Kennedi and Brooklyn want to go back to wet or squashed poopy diapers? The answer is simple, change is difficult, and as much as their little bodies are wanting change, it doesn't make change any easier. As I sit here and think, I can recall numerous times that I have wanted to go back to wet or squishy diapers. Not because it was something I really wanted, but it was easier. I don't think I am alone in this - I see it just about everyday, people returning to cities they have left, jobs they have resigned from and relationships they have ended. Since our bodies are so wonderfully made, there is an inner desire for my girls to want to use the potty, just like what is inside each of us, the desire to grow. But just like anything else what is on the other side of that desire is a whole lot of work and a whole lot of new!

A Whole Lot.

Saying yes to move across the country to plant a church in South Florida was an exciting thought, and although has been a whole lot of fun, it also has been a whole lot of new and a whole lot of work! When I said yes to going back to work, the thought of a nice paycheck or the thought of meeting new people was exciting, on the other side of it has been long days at the office and less time with my girls. I have had opportunities to kick and scream and resist this change, but by the grace of God I have avoided the temptation to go back to wet and stinky diapers. 

What About You?

If you have recently taken a chance, if you are in the process of change, I encourage you today to not go back to diapers. Look forward, not backwards and resolve that you are going to embrace every aspect of this new season. Whatever that looks like. It will be a lot of work, and it will be a lot of new, but it will also be a lot of awesome! Hang in there!

Kennedi excited about her new potty!

Brooklyn with her new potty! 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.


“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43: 18-19(NIV)

DARE:  Move forward! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My First Thanksgiving.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did. It was our first time celebrating Thanksgiving in our own home-we even had guests! Well, not exactly guests, they are friends we call family. It was so much fun! Since we missed all of our family and friends that we are used to celebrating with,  I decided to share a few snapshots we took throughout our day.... so it kind of feels like we spent the day together!

I cooked my FIRST turkey & took a picture with him!

Set the Table! 
Each person had their place! "Thankful for You..."

My girls LOVE D & so do I. Thankful to 

Kennedi & Brooklyn... I'm thankful for them!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH:  "In all things give thanks."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

DARE:  Be thankful, eat leftovers! 

Monday, November 19, 2012


So Sorry!

Whoa! I want to start off by apologizing for not blogging these past few months. As you can imagine, life has been nothing short of crazy! Crazy, in a totally, awesome, couldn't be happier, loving our life, kind of way! I am officially a working mommy and I love it. I think I have reached a new record of getting dressed, brushing my teeth and doing my hair for the most amount of consecutive days since giving birth to the girls almost two years ago. True story. I love staying home with my babies everyday, but I am truly embracing this season of working. I have met so many people and everyday it proves to be just what I am supposed to be doing. BJ is an amazing stay at home daddy and manages to work on building our church, taking care of the girls, clean the house and even has dinner prepared for us! He is rockin' the whole "Daddy Daycare"! I love walking through the door and hearing those sweet little voices say, "HI MOMMY!!!" It really is the best part of my day. 

 Bye Bye 2012.

Can you believe it is already the week of Thanksgiving? Where in the world has 2012 gone? Is it just me or does it seem like everyday, time goes by faster and faster? It seems like yesterday that I blogged entitled, " Cheers to 2012!" Like any other year, I declared my new year's resolutions. I had every intention of fulfilling these goals/resolutions. 

This is what I declared to all of you...

"My new year's resolutions are to: Trust God more. Pray audacious prayers. Dream big. Believe His promises are true. Love authentically. Run a half marathon. Give more."

Guess what? 

I have accomplished every single one of them! This past Sunday, I checked the "Run a half marathon" box as I participated in the St Jude Rock & Roll Half Marathon here in Miami, Fl. It was so special on so many levels and I can not think of a better city to run it in, than in my new favorite city and the place I call home! The race started on Ocean Blvd in Miami Beach, FL and ended on the sand of the beach! How cool, right?! 

Go! Go! Go!

My favorite part about the race was seeing the hundreds and hundreds of strangers cheering on the 2,000 plus runners as they made their way to the finish line! Many of those people were standing on the sidelines waiting for that one special person in their life to run by, but it didn't keep them from cheering on someone like me, who has never met them before. I had many BLOG moments during my 13 mile run, but mile after mile, I couldn't get over just how special it was to be encouraged and cheered on by complete strangers. 

You Got This!

Life should look more like what I witnessed on Sunday. People cheering people on! I remember turning the corner on mile 7, I was pretty tired at this point. In my mind I thought through all the reasons I had to walk for a second or two. As I was considering it, I locked eyes with this young lady. She looked at me and said, "Don't you even think about stopping, you got this!" Wow! It was everything I needed to hear at exactly the right time. She didn't care who I voted for, she didn't ask if I went to church or not, she didn't care if I recycled or if I give to charity regularly. In that moment, I was someone who passed her by for a few seconds that needed some encouragement! 

Not One Time! 

I can proudly say that I didn't stop, not one time. But I thought about it, mile after mile. Had it not been for those strangers, I don't think I would have been able to keep going. Whether or not you have accomplished some or all of your 2012 goals/resolutions, I encourage you today, to stop and lock eyes with that someone in your path that needs encouragement! It doesn't take a lot of effort or time, just a few seconds to remind someone that they can get through whatever they are facing. 

If that is you today, if you are that person that needs encouragement 
             "Don't you even think about stopping, you got this!"

Here are a few photos we took. This day will forever be in my heart.

I ran mile 11 for him!!!
I ran mile 12 for my girls!
Love my friends... they cheer me on daily! 

I especially loved the signs the girls were holding that read , 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH:  "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 
                                                                                                        -1 Thessalonians 5:11

DARE:  Encourage someone today!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Waze. A Traffic & Navigation App. .

I love living in Los Angeles; great beaches, diverse people, chic boutiques, fun coffee shops, and the lots of traffic. Just kidding, the traffic is what I like least about living in a place where people from all over the world vacation. No matter what time of the day it is, no matter what day of the week it is, there is usually traffic. If you need to drive 20 miles to your destination, plan for your journey to take you at least an hour. Some days you will be surprised and you will zip your way along without using the brakes, but those are just "some days." My husband BJ  loves his iPhone and is always downloading new apps. A few months ago, he downloaded a FREE App called 'Waze.' Waze is a fun, community- based traffic & navigation app. What this App is designed to do is, navigate you around traffic. When he first started using it, I wasn't buying it, how can you possibly navigate your way around traffic? But, time and time again, this app has helped what would be a 60 minute journey take us only 20 minutes. 

Our Waze. 

On our way home from visiting our friends in Orange County, we did like we usually do and plugged in our destination into the Waze app. She (Waze has become a part of our family and travels with us wherever we go & goes by the name Waze or She, haha) calculated our journey and we began our 1hour and 30minute journey home. Our friends followed behind in their car. Once we got into familiar territory, we were surprised Waze was telling us to go a different route, one we had never taken before. We took the suggested route and continued on our journey. We quickly noticed that the car behind us was no longer following us. We thought this was a great opportunity to put Waze to the test! We arrived at home almost 20 minutes before our friends. We promise, we didn't speed! It worked, Waze's crazy navigation actually worked. In that moment, I had a "BLOG moment." There have been so many important decisions we as a family have had to make in the past two months that we know are life decisions. We, like the 20 million people who use Waze to navigate our way through traffic have been seeking God in prayer to see what route He wants us to go. To be transparent, His route, like Waze's routes, have not made sense and have been routes we have never taken before. In the moment they have seemed really ridiculous. We have listened to the best of our ability and have followed no matter what it appears to look like. It has not been easy and there have been a few times where we have been faced with the opportunity to do what "we think" is best! 

His Waze.

When we arrived before our friends, BJ looked at me and jokingly said, "Her waze are not our waze!!" It made me laugh because it sounded a lot like a scripture I've heard many times before.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.- Isaiah 55:8

This scripture has never been so clear and so true in my entire life. If I believe that the Waze app is not out to make my life more complicated, I have to believe the same is true with God. His ways often seem crazy, but I know that He wants the best for me. Waze calculates every route and then chooses the route with less stops, detours, or bumps along the way. When you and I decide to trust God's leading, we are saying yes to a route with less stops, detours or unnecessary bumps along the way. Will we still experience hard times, or even stops? Absolutely! But, His way is the best route to get us to where we need to be. 

Taking it HOME.

Sitting in traffic has a way of wearing on you. I know that any time I have sat in traffic I feel drained and almost always need a moment to refresh. That is why I love our traffic and navigating app, Waze. Every time we travel, we use it, whether we are going on a 10 mile journey or a 100 mile journey. These past two months I have used my life and decision making resource, The Bible more than I have in a long time. It has become so very necessary as I have tried to navigate through complications, disappointment, and faced with life-altering decisions. It has kept me refreshed and joyful through some of the most discouraging days. If your life is anything like mine and you are needing some guidance or a moment to refresh, I want to remind you that you are not alone in this journey called life. You have a resource so valuable! His name is Jesus, and today He wants to help guide you and lead you. His ways will often seem ridiculous, but I promise, if you trust His leading, you will find yourself exactly where you need to be. 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.


"You can make many plans,
    but the Lord’s purpose will prevail" Proverbs 19:21

DARE: Trust His leading today, no matter what it looks like. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Yesterday, while driving in the car with my parents, we began to tally the number of times my daughters have flown on an airplane. In the past 20 months, my girls have made 10 trips on an airplane (20 times if you include both departing and returning flights). My girls have flown more times than most people do their entire life. That is a lot of flying! Each time has been a different experience, some great flights and others, not so great flights. We usually prefer the flights with the least number of layovers and if we have to make a stop, we prefer the least amount of "wait time" before boarding our next flight. No matter how much we have tried to avoid them, I don't remember the last time we took a direct flight.
Puerto Rico.

This past summer, we had a great opportunity to vacation with my big ole family to the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. It was such an amazing trip, filled with so many lasting memories. On route to Puerto Rico, we noticed that we had a 2 hour layover in Philadelphia. Philadelphia? Yes! We were departing out of Los Angeles and our final destination was south of Florida, why in the world would we stop in Philadelphia? It really made no sense. Once we boarded the plane, found our seats, and listened to one of the flight attendants explain the "what to do in case of an emergency" procedure, the pilot told us to enjoy our trip to "Phoenix." Phoenix? I thought we were going to Philadelphia! What they failed to mention was that airlines do not include a stop on your itinerary if you do not deplane. We were so excited and very eager to meet our family in Puerto Rico and really not looking forward to making a stop we had not planned for.

When we arrived in Phoenix, two very familiar people boarded the plane. It was my brother Vinnie and my sister in law Nina. What a surprise! We thought we were meeting them in Philadelphia, but instead we actually met them in Phoenix. 

After our recent trip to North Carolina and the what seemed like unnecessary stops along the way, I realized something about Layovers. I realized that just like layovers on an airplane, there are "layovers" or "seasons" in our lives that although seem unnecessary or insignificant are very important as we journey towards our dreams, plans, or final destinations.
Why Layovers?

  • Layovers allow us to refuel and recharge certain areas in our lives so that we can have enough for the journey ahead.

  • Layovers allow certain things to "deplane" making room for other things to board.

  • Layovers are a part of the journey!

I don't know where you are in the process of seeing your dreams come to pass in your life, and although I have written countless BLOGS encouraging you all to step out and take big risks, today I want to encourage you to be still. Sometimes the biggest acts of faith are the times we choose to stay when we want to go, relax when we want to panic, and stand when we want to step out. This past season has been one of the most daring seasons we have walked through yet. This too might be your season to stand, to "layover" and simply trust that what He is doing in you is greater than anything you can do for Him. Just breath and trust His leading. He will not fail you.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: "Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10

DARE: Stand still.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Yo Gabby Gabby!

I love the Summer Olympics, especially women's gymnastics! I have stayed up way past my normal bedtime to cheer on the USA. My most favorite moment was when Gaby Douglas won GOLD in the women's all around. When interviewed, this is what she said. 

“The hard days are the best because that's where champions are made so if you can push through, you can push through anything!”

Hard Days.

Yesterday was a hard day in the Johnson house. We experienced a series of events (including our car not starting and needing to get a new battery put in our car) that left us feeling a bit overwhelmed and discouraged. I had to take a few deep breathes in and out, pray and then attempt to shake it off, believing that God was in control of all things. Gaby's statement about tough days was immediately brought to my attention and it was then when I looked at what we were facing as an opportunity to build us, teach us and most of all remind us of a few things.

Remind Me.

While in the midst of a hard day, I did what most of us do and asked God, "Why?" I also asked Him what it was He was trying to teach us. I felt as though He said that it wasn't so much about TEACHING us anything as much as it was about REMINDING us about a few things. We often look at trials and hard days as times when God is teaching us things, but I realized that it is not always the case. Most often, it is God simply reminding us of things. Yesterday, I was reminded of three things: 

                         1. God is faithful.
                         2. God is in control.
                         3. God is my source. 

Yo Gabby Gabby

After Gaby Douglas won Gold, I scrolled through my Twitter account to see someone tweet, "Yo Gabby Gabby!" I assumed she won gold and after a ton of confirming tweets, I knew she had won! I was bummed at the spoiler alerts, but it was still just as exciting and nerve racking to watch it hours later. I laughed at the "Yo Gabby Gabby!" tweet because my daughters are HUGE fans of the Nick Jr show, "Yo Gabba Gabba." When I say huge fans, I am talking about, we watch it at least twice a day upon their request. It is a really weird show but teaches some great life lessons. Yesterday's episode featured a song that went a little something like this. 

"Keep trying, keep trying, don't give up, never give up." (repeat 10x)

Facing this hard day, I was reminded that God is faithful, in control, and my source. I also was reminded that hard days make champions and that if I can push through them, I can push through anything! I don't want to just survive in this next season of our life as church planters and pastors of a church, but I want to thrive! I know that hard days are not meant to break me, but build me. 

Taking it Home.

I am not sure what kind of hard days you have been facing lately, but I want to encourage you to trust that whatever it is, it can be the very thing you need in order to truly walk in all that God has for your life. Tough times are the times we remember the most. Take a quick synopsis of the situation and ask yourself, "What is it that God is trying to remind me of today?" 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE. 


DARE: Push through the hard days. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Never. Give. Up.

I just got off the phone with my grandma Sara. She is my dad's mother, I call her Mama Sara and my girls call her  GG (great grandma) She lights up every time they say her name. She always tells me that I have no idea the love a grandma or a great grandma has for their g-babies and I can honestly say that I really don't. I thought I knew the depths of a parent's love for their children until I experienced it first hand with Kennedi and Brooklyn. Nothing like it! I was bringing my grandma up to speed with everything happening in our world. We talked about the BIG move to Miami, the girls and all the emotions I am experiencing as we gear up for a new season! 

Great Things. Great Cost. 

As we were talking, Mama Sara told me this, "I am so happy for you and know that God is with you, you will experience great times and hard times, but remember, NEVER GIVE UP." These words jumped out at me and quickly found there way to the very depths of my heart. I have wanted to give up many times on this crazy adventure we have been on, but I am so glad I have never actually quit. I think wanting to quit is a good place to be in. Hear me out for a second. When we are faced with the desire to quit, it really magnifies that what we want to quit is actually worth fighting for. People often say that anything great comes with a fight. Over the past few years I have become a believer in that statement. Great things come with great costs, and we must never give up.

"We won't remember things that came easy; we'll remember the things that came hard."
                              - Mark Batterson

I don't know what you have been believing for, fighting for, or standing on, but I want to encourage you today to NEVER GIVE UP. Ever. You might be right in the middle of a fight to see it happen, or you might be feeling discouragement in every direction, don't quit. When we are faced with hardship, trial and when it doesn't look promising, what we are believing for becomes more valuable. The things that BJ and I have walked through over the past few years have made what we are walking into so much more meaningful. Without our dream being challenged or tested through hardships, we would not be in position to handle all that comes with "new territory" and I know we would not hold with such frailty. 


So, if you want to quit, don't. If you want to give up, don't. If you want to throw in the towel, don't. Ever. Get up and try again, even if you promise to try for one more day. It's worth it. I promise. What is waiting for you on the other side of your "try" is bigger than your obstacle. 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE. 

TRUTH: The HARDER the BETTER. Mark Batterson, "The Circle Maker"

DARE: Try again today. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Miami. Here We Come.

In just a few short weeks (5 to be exact), the Johnson crew is headed to Miami, Florida! We are so excited to finally be able to share this news with you. For over 6 years we have had this dream in our heart and it's truly surreal to be standing right in the middle of it. A lot has happened over the past 6 years. An adventure that's for sure. As we were sitting in front of the computer last night and reading all the wonderful feedback from our family and friends as we posted our "Announcement" I was overwhelmed with so many different emotions. It was as if my mind hit the rewind button and I replayed some of the "moments" over the past 6 years. 

The Dream.

Six years ago, BJ and attended Pastor's School, a conference for Pastors and Leaders hosted by Pastors Tommy and Matthew Barnett. The conference was amazing and truly changed our lives. BJ and I were just dating then and at the commencement of the conference, everyone was asked to write down what they believed God would do in their lives. We wrote this: "We would direct a Master's Commission, we would plant a church and that we would plant a Dream Center. "

The Move.

A year later, after BJ and I had been married for just six short months, God opened up a door for us to start a master's commission (for those of you who don't know what that is, Master's Commission is a ministry where students give a year of their life to serve the local church) We packed up our things and moved across the country to Wilson, NC. We didn't even know that city existed, but we knew it was where we were supposed to go. We had the great privilege to direct that program for 3 years. We also were youth pastors to some amazing students and launched a college ministry on a local college campus.

The Vision.

While on vacation, we were driving through the city of Miami and found ourselves feeling "at home." It was a strange feeling, since we had never been to that city before together. As we were driving around, we began to fall deeply in love with the city and its people. It was a love like we had never felt before and we knew immediately that we were going to one day plant our church here. We began to envision a church that would influence the culture through the love of Jesus Christ.

The Wilderness.

After serving in Wilson, NC for 3 years, we felt lead to leave our full time ministry positions and help BJ's parents in their church plant that was two years old at the time. It wasn't a big move in terms of distance, but it was a big move in terms of destiny. We knew it was something that we had to do. We served their ministry for a year. It was the hardest yet most exciting year of our life! We experienced great heartache and went through great trial, but also became pregnant with our twin baby girls Kennedi and Brooklyn. God gave us two doses of GRACE as we endured one of the most challenging seasons of our life. The church became our family and we know we would not have made it through without New Journey Church rallying behind our family and reminding us daily about our dream.

The Crazy.

Our girls were three months old and we were again packing up our things and moving to Los Angeles, California to serve at the Los Angeles Dream Center. At the time I didn't know if it was my hormones or faith, but we were moving to LA because we believed it was what God asked us to do. With only enough money to get across the country, we arrived in LA. BJ transferred to the local Olive Garden and I stayed home with the girls. Some people wrote us off as CRAZY and we were OK with that. We weren't afraid to look foolish because we knew God was in control of our lives. We served the church and God quickly began to show us that this crazy move to California with two infants was exactly what we were supposed to do. We went through ups and downs and things didn't always "look" the way we had imagined.

The Turning Point.

To be transparent, there was a specific moment during this journey where we felt like giving up. Where it seemed as though God had forgotten about us. I shared that moment with you in a post entitled, "Drawing the Line." It was a time we felt as though we had sacrificed enough, done all that we were asked and were not willing to do anymore. It was a time where we drew the line and decided there wasn't anything left to give. We knew this was a huge moment for us and after wanting to quit and given the opportunity to quit, we decided not to! Instead, we embraced moving into a one bedroom apartment with our twin girls, dog and our best friend. We knew we had a dream to chase and we were willing to do whatever we were asked to do. This has been the most freeing, exciting season to date. We love serving and working on staff here at the Los Angeles Dream Center/ Angelus Temple. The people here are out of this world amazing. We are challenged daily by people's faith to believe God for the impossible. This season has changed the way we think about ministry. We have a new love for people than we have ever before. We are so grateful that God brought us here.

The Announcement.

We are not just talking about one day planting a church, we are announcing that we are planting a church and Dream Center in Miami, Florida. Here is our official announcement.

TRUTH: BJ, Sarah, Kennedi, Brooklyn & Graham are taking their talents to South Beach!

DARE: "Like" us on   FACEBOOK  |   influence culture
               Follow us on TWITTER      |   @icmiami

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Throwback Thursday.

Where were you two years ago? Two years ago, I was writing my very first BLOG post! It was entitled, "Im Sick of People Telling Me It's Going to Be OK." BJ and I had just moved to Greensboro, NC to help his parents with their church plant. I was lonely, I was uncertain, I was afraid that God had forgotten about us. We had just taken a big step in our lives and it wasn't looking like what we had imagined it would. I remember feeling so confused and feeling defeated. Relationships I thought would last a lifetime, ended, people I admired, hurt me and the new season I was excited for quickly became the hardest season of our lives. The only thing keeping a smile on our faces was knowing that we were pregnant with our twin daughters. Hidden within that smile was fear, as we were in our most uncertain financial situation. We didn't know what God was doing in our lives, we just knew He told us to take a step and trust Him. Here's a blurb from the BLOG post. 

"Over the past few weeks some things have not worked out the way I had imagined they would and there are things that we have had to go through that we have never gone through before. I have cried, I have questioned our decision to move, I have questioned God, and I have asked God why? There are a few people in our lives that have known what we have been going through and it seems as though all they keep telling me is that "everything is going to be ok!" I never realized how much I do not like that phrase until these past few weeks! I think that this phrase gets under my skin because it leaves me feeling helpless and in denial about what my current circumstances are.  I guess it makes me feel like I am a drama queen and that I am overreacting to a situation. And maybe I am, but to me I want to know not that my situtation is going to be ok, but that there is purpose for why I am going through what I am going through."

Don't you feel the frustration in this? I was frustrated! Mentors and leaders in my life kept telling me that it was going to be OK and that truly frustrated me. I guess I just wanted someone to be frustrated with me. What I didn't realize, was that they had come to place in their life where it didn't matter what it looked liked, they were going to believe that it was going to be OK. I had moments where I believed it too, and many moments that I really thought God had forgotten about us. I am so thankful that we didn't give up, turn back or throw in the towel. These past two years have been one daring step after another. Depending on who is telling the story, these past two years can be described as irresponsible, daring, uncertain, adventurous or down right, crazy! All terms I embrace and absolutely LOVE. These past two years have taught us knew things and have reminded us of things we sometimes quickly forget. It has been two years of choosing to see what we can not see and not allowing what we can not see to prevent us from seeing what we need to see! 


A couple of months ago, I felt as though God told me something so significant. He said, "It's not going to look like the way you imagine it, but it will be everything you have ever hoped it would be." These past two years have looked NOTHING like the way I imagined they would, but they have truly been EVERYTHING I have ever hoped they would be. These have truly been the greatest years of my life. I am so honored to have shared these two years with each of you. This BLOG has helped me be more comfortable in my own skin and has challenged me to embrace where I am no matter what it looks like. We are seeing what we have believed and dreamed about for years happen, we are walking in what we have prayed about and we are so much stronger, wiser, more dependent on Jesus than we have ever been. As I look back two years, I am certain that just as He has carried us and always taken care of us that He will continue to do it for another two years, and another and another. 


No matter what you are facing, no matter what you are going through today, I want to encourage you that everything is going to be OK! It may not look like the way you planned it, but I promise you it will be everything you have ever hoped it would be. 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE. 

TRUTH: Everything is going to be OK!

DARE: Believe it!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Faith. Update.

The Johnson House.

Whew! I am one tired momma these days! Kennedi and Brooklyn will be one and a half years old this month and to say that they are everywhere, in everything, all the time, is a different way of saying this place has been turned upside down. They are the most adventurous, relentless little girls I have ever seen. They currently enjoy jumping off the couch, climbing anything that they are not supposed to and are convinced that mommy is a jungle gym. They sing, dance and beat box. They learn so many words everyday; my current favorites are, "I love you, pizza, please, coffee & Cinderella." We just started to have mommy/ daughter devotion time, a time where we learn about a story in the Bible.  They may not understand all that I am saying, but I know that these little girls are spounges and everything they see and hear are molding them into who they are and who they will become. What an incredible opportunity and responsibility. I do not pretend to know all the answers or think I am a perfect mommy, but everyday I do my very best and give God full control of their lives. My desire is that they will live this life the way they were meant to live it. My hope is that they will love the Lord all the days of their life. 


The bible says that, "Faith is the confidence that what we HOPE for will actually happen." -Hebrews 11:1

I am confident that every hope and desire I have for these two little world changers will actually happen. I am confident not in myself but in Him who created them and who has given them a purpose and destiny. I am also confident that what God has placed in BJ and my hearts will actually happen. Yes, we have had moments of doubt, but up until this moment, there has never been a promise that God has not fulfilled. God always keeps His promises. Always. 


Some really exciting things are happening right now and I can not wait to share them with each of you. So many things that BJ and I have prayed, believed and hoped for, are actually happening! Friends, God wants to fulfill the promises in your life. I want to encourage you today to have the confidence that they will actually happen. No matter what it looks like or what it is requiring of you, I promise you, He has not forgotten you. 

I would love to stand with you in prayer about what you are hoping for, so please, don't leave this page without leaving me a prayer request or an update about what it happening in your world. I want to hear from you! 

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 

Here are this week's TRUTH or DARE. 

TRUTH: "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we can not see." Hebrews 11:1

DARE: HOPE for something today and have the confidence that it will actually happen! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Boundaries. Not. Barriers.

On my drive home last week, I did some thinking. As I was mentally going through my to do list, I realized I had a lot more "to do" than I thought. I came to the conclusion that I was going to grocery shop, do six loads of laundry, pay bills, BLOG, read, make a few phone calls, and of course do all the everyday mommy things all before going to church that evening. I planned it out hour by hour and it seems feasible. My thoughts turned into prayers as I asked God to help me achieve all that I had to do that day. As I was praying I sensed God impressing on my heart these words, "boundaries not barriers." I must have heard it four or five times and each time I felt it deeper and deeper. That's when I got a phone call from someone who needed to go to the dentist for an emergency visit and needed someone to babysit her 4 month old son. She is single, teenage mom I mentor and she and her son live on the Family Floor of the Dream Center.

First Response. 

I wish I could say that my first reaction was to turn my car around and volunteer myself to help. But instead, my first reaction was to see who I could call to help her. I told her I would call her back and that I would hopefully have an answer for her. After I made some phone calls, I heard those words once again, "boundaries not barriers." If this "someone" was my best friend, my family or one of my leaders what would be my response? Of course I would drop everything and help him/her. But why wasn't this my first reaction? Was it because I have been taught that you set "boundaries" with those you lead so that you are not taken advantage of or walked over? Or maybe it was my past experiences of being burned by people before who took advantage of me and I didn't want that to happen again. I know having two toddlers of my own and a long list of "to do's" played a part, but if I am transparent, those weren't really the reasons that kept me from immediately responding with a yes!

Bridge of Hope. 

To say that it has been an honor to serve under Pastors Matthew and Caroline Barnett, the pastors of The Los Angeles Dream Center is truly an understatement. They have dedicated their entire life to serving people and have pioneered the way for churches, organizations and people like you and me to understand what it really means to love people. Pastor Matthew has said, "If you are going to be a bridge of hope for people, you have to be willing for people to walk all over you." This quote has become famous in my home, but in that moment it was becoming real in my heart. This someone isn't a family member or a leader of mine, but she is my friend and someone who needed me. I called her back and told her that I was able to help her with whatever she needed that day. I knew it was going to be a stretch for me and I knew that the day I had planned was going to look a whole lot different.

Boundaries vs Barriers.

The day was crazy and hectic, but it was also a lot of fun. Who wouldn't want to love on a precious baby boy for a day? Me and the girls had so much fun hugging and loving on him. I even got the three of them to nap at the same time, giving me enough time to cross most off my "to do" list.

  • Boundaries are important, they allow you and I to love freely. Barriers allow us to love, but with limitations.
  • Boundaries help us be responsible with what God has placed in our hands. Barriers keep us from attaining what God has placed in our hearts.
  • Boundaries keep the wrong things from coming IN. Barriers keep the right things from coming IN.
  • Boundaries put us in the right place and the right time. Barriers only look for the perfect place and perfect time. 
  • Boundaries ask, "how can I make this fit?" Barriers ask, "what is in this for me?"
True Religion.

I have always loved serving God's house and His people. Before having kids you could usually find me at church at any point of the day. This season of being a part of a church that doesn't serve from inside the four walls of a church or from behind an office desk, but instead, "Finds a need and fills it, finds a hurt and heals it" has challenged me to live different. Boundaries have been a sorry excuse to not change the world one inconvenient moment at a time. I didn't share this moment I had to highlight some amazing thing I did, the truth is that it really isn't that amazing in comparison to the thousands of world changers who already understand this, but I shared this with you today because I know that when you and I embrace boundaries and let go of barriers we can change the world.

What About You?

Have you mistaken boundaries for barriers? Do you find yourself saying things like, "If I had more time or if I had more money I would ? Maybe your boundaries of "family time" have become barriers to "do life" with other people. Maybe your boundaries of being "on a budget" have become barriers of being "generous." I don't know what your boundaries look like, but I do know that if you allow them to become barriers in your life, you are going to miss out on the moments that were meant to change you, encourage you, and that were meant to give life to your dreams. 

Tell Me.

If this post spoke to you, highlighted an area in your life that you have used boundaries as an excuse to do something you didn't want to do, I'd love to hear from you. Please leave a comment, share an experience or just give me a shout out in the comment box below.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 

Here are this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: "If you are going to be a bridge of hope for people, you have to be willing for people to walk all over you." Matthew Barnett

DARE: Stop using boundaries as an excuse to have barriers, and do something that inconveniences you today!