Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't Stop. Believin'.

My girls are toddlers! Where in the world has the time gone? I now know what all you mommies mean when you post status' updates that say, "You know you are a mommy when you no longer go to the bathroom alone." I used to giggle at those updates and now I am no longer giggling at you, I am giggling with you. My house is completely rearranged with random objects blocking the lamp, (my girls love to knock the lamp over time and time again) and the garbage can has permanently found its home in our hallway, which blocks the "cleaning supply cabinet" along with my vacuum and laundry basket. Confused? So am I. haha.


After I hurdle my way through the baby proofed hallway and attempt to "use the bathroom" in peace, I usually notice four little eyes starring at me. For a while they would just look at me and wait for me to finish. Those days are long gone. After watching me maneuver through the various objects that stand in the way between the hallway and the bathroom, my girls are no longer satisfied with just starring at me from the other side. They climb, move, re arrange, even army crawl their way to me every time. They are relentless. The never stop.  They are so focused and determined to get to me, no matter how difficult it appears to be. I am sure in "Mommy 101" you shouldn't allow them to cross over to the other side, but I do every time. I admire how relentless they are. I don't ever want them to lose that. I want to be more like them when I grow up.

No Boundaries. 

I am a firm believer in boundaries and that boundaries are meant to keep us from harm. And while I want to teach them to respect and honor the boundaries I have laid out before them, I don't want them to lose their desire to never give up. I think we lose that along the way in this journey called life. I know there are times in my life when I have wanted to throw in the towel, and give up all together on something or even someone. I was such a proud momma starring at my girls as they pried their way through the many obstacles that stood in their way. Our journey is no different. There are many obstacles that stand in our way. Whether we have put them there or whether they have been placed in our way to test our desire to never give up. This year has started off strong for me and I am still as hopeful as I was on December 31, 2011 when I rang in the new year. But it doesn't mean that there have not been things that have already tried to stand in my way. When we believe for big things we have to be prepared for big things to stand in our way.

No Doubt.

My girls have no doubt in their minds that they are going to get to me. Even when they come up short and when I have baby proofed it just right, they try again and again each time believing that what they have set their mind to they will accomplish. This is what I think about when the Bible talks about us needing childlike faith. I know there are times I have lost my childlike faith and what is in front of me seems impossible to get through. What about you? Do you find yourself having a hard time believing that you can accomplish what is in your heart? I would love to hear from you. Share with me an area in your life where you are having trouble believing by commenting in the box provided below.

TRUTH: "Don't Stop Believin'." -Journey

DARE: Don't Stop Believin'.

Sneak Peek For This Week:
  • Don't Stop. Running.     (Video Post)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Day. Bad Day. Which Day For You?

This past Sunday my favorite football team (since I was born), The San Fransisco Forty Niners lost to the New York Giants, ending their season one game shy of the Superbowl. I must admit I was heartbroken. I think I even cried. It was a close game and they lost by only three points in overtime. The game ended when the Giants' kicker, made a game winning field goal. Before he kicked the ball the camera panned the Giants' sidelines. I think just about every player looked up to heaven and prayed for it to go in. They panned the Niner's sidelines and they too were praying, except they were hoping for a different result. The ball went in, the Giants went crazy and the Niners' sidelines weren't so happy. It was a good day for the Giants, a bad day for the Niners. What kind of day is it for you?

Good Day.

After the game I thought about this for a while. Both teams prayed/believed/hoped for the outcome to result in their favor. (I am not presuming that all these players are Christians and were praying to God) They were hoping/praying/believing for a certain ending and only one team went home happy. I thought about how sometimes my best day is someone else's worst day. As I rang in my 28th birthday at midnight watching an episode of Revenge (great show by the way) I saw that one of my family members' friends had just passed away. I was celebrating another year of life and someone else was mourning a death. Same God, same day, different feeling.

Bad Day.

I am sure none of the Niner teammates blamed God for the outcome of the game. (They had plenty of other reasons and players to pin the loss on) But I began to think about how many times I have felt "let down" by God. As I woke up this morning I felt like I should encourage you, whoever you are today who feels like God has let you down. Whether your marriage ended and you feel like God should have changed the outcome, or if you lost a loved one too soon and you feel angry towards God for allowing it to happen, or if you lost a job and you haven't been able to find another job ever since, or if you lost a pregnancy and you are confused as to why this had to happen to you. I don't know who you are or what you are facing or have faced, but I want to encourage you and remind you that God has not let you down. He loves you, remembers you and is here for you!

Which Day For You?

There have been many moments, situations and even season of my life where things seem to not work out in my favor. Times when I felt like God was so far away, but as I look back time and time again I see that He was always there. We live in a world where tragedy faces us everyday, but there is a God who is greater than any circumstance. He doesn't bring us tragedy but He does allow us to go through it. God has not let you down, He has been setting you up! With every heartache, let down, or tough time, God has a hidden agenda to make you stronger, wiser, and ultimately make you and I more dependent on Him. I am not sure if you are having a bad day or a bad season but I want to remind you that God is for you and that He loves you.

Sometimes it seems as though God doesn't answer our prayers. Sometimes it seems like He is so distant. But God is always there and He always answers our prayers, it is just not always the way we hope He would.

Are you having a good day? Are you having a bad day? Which day for you? Would love to hear back from you. Please comment in the box provided below and enter in to win a STARBUCKS gift card. My prayer is that if you are facing a tough time, that you have been reminded that you are not forgotten, that God has not let you down and that He is For YOU!

TRUTH:                   Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified
                                        because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you;
                                              he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

DARE: Spend just a few moments in God's word today and be reminded of all His promises to you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Turned 28.

I celebrated my 28th birthday yesterday. I must say, it was one of my most favorite birthdays. A lot of people dread getting older, but I really embrace it. I am so thankful for another year of life. Like any year, this past year  has had its share of ups and downs, but when I take a look back, I must say it has been a great one. Here are 27 of my most memorable moments this past year. In no particular order.

Celebrated my 27th B Day as a Mommy!

Moved to California

Tried a  Pink's Hot Dog for the first time!
BJ officiated his first wedding!
We dressed in 80's attire for a costume party & won!
My niece Machaela visited with us.
Witnessed many bedtime stories....
Visited my family in Nor Cal many times!

Took my little pumpkins to the pumpkin patch!!!

Starred at these two faces all day!!!

Our First and BEST Christmas EVER!
Took the girls to the ZOO with my aunt & grandma. Something we did when I was growing up.
Stuffed a stocking for my Kennedi (The Lion)
Stuffed a stocking for my Brooklyn (The Monkey)

Watched my girls experience Christmas in Cali & NC
I was HOME for Christmas!
My Girls Turned 1!

Our girls with their GREAT grandpa Papa Jay. 
Went to NC twice. The girls are the BEST little travelers.
Watched my grandparents hold their GREAT grand-baby girls!!
Watched My grandma Lydia with my babies.
My sister came to visit me & the girls in NC!
Celebrated 5 years of marriage!!

My niece Emily visited with us!
I've been able to spend practically everyday with my BFF ALyssa!!
My parents came to visit us in NC for the first time!  
I got the running shoes I wanted & STARTED training for my half marathon!!!

TRUTH: "My best days are ahead of me."- Danny Gokey 

DARE:  Make today count and do something memorable.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why We Didn't Start On Monday.

I have a confession to make. I didn't start running last week and I haven't even put my feet to the concrete this week either. I have beaten myself up about it over and over and was hoping to move on from it until I realized that there is actually a method to this madness of promising ourselves we will get to something on Monday and how Monday yet again passes us by. As I was writing in my journal about how another day had gone by and I had yet to start running, I asked myself a question. "What is keeping me from just starting?" Here is what came to mind. Maybe you find yourself doing/saying the same things.

I see the big picture instead of the tiny steps.

I've always prided myself on being a dreamer, someone who is able to dream big dreams. But I realized that because I see the big picture or the end it is hard for me to see the tiny steps. I know what I ultimately want to do, in this case it is to run a half marathon, but it is hard for me to focus on what I need to do right now in order to get there.

I have a when/then vocabulary.

My first thought was that I needed running shoes. I have always heard that runners need a good pair of shoes so WHEN I get those new pair of shoes, THEN I will start running. WHEN I have this amount of money THEN I will be able to give more. I can go on and on. 

I focus on what is in my heart instead of what is in my hands.

I have dreamed about writing a book for as long as I can remember. I have come up with the concept, the title and even the names of each chapter. But, for so long I have just focused what was in my heart instead of realizing what God has placed in my hands. I heard someone say, "God will give you what's in your heart when you are responsible with what is in your hands." This BLOG, TRUTH or DARE is in my hands and I believe it is something God has given to me. I would love to have a book published, go out and serve the community with our church or feed the homeless but right now I am a full time mommy of twins and writing this BLOG is what I am able to give. 

I become overwhelmed by what I can't do instead of focusing on what I can do.

Right now I can not run a successful half marathon. That thought alone keeps me from putting on my old running shoes and running a mile or two today. I love to give BIG and I get discouraged when all I may have to give is treating someone to a Starbucks. The only description I can come up with is it's as if I become paralyzed when I can't serve, give, or do things to the degree that I would like to. It has kept me from doing anything because what I feel like I have to offer is insignificant. This past week or so however, I have really challenged myself to realize that I may not be able to do ________, but I can do ____________. It has been so freeing and I have realized that there are a lot more things I CAN do then I thought!

I think I am going to magically have time for it.

I think the main reason why I haven't started running is because I haven't scheduled it in. We all are super busy and if we want to begin doing something we have never done before then we better schedule it in. It is all about being intentional with our time. I can always find a million other things to do other than running. If I want to read a new book or begin a scrap book I have to write it down and schedule it into my calendar. It may seem silly but it works. 

Can you relate to one, if not all of these reasons for not starting today? What's great is that although I haven't started yet, today is only January 18th and I can begin something today. I have marked it in my calendar, I have pinned my favorite shoes in Pintrest and I am going to go for a run today. I may not run tomorrow but I am keeping the goal in mind and this year I WILL RUN A HALF MARATHON. How are you holding up to your New Year's resolutions/goals that you have set for yourself? I would love to hear back from you. 

A special thank you to everyone who commented last week. We chose our lucky winner! Stay tuned for more giveaways!


                                               “I am only one, but still I am one. 

                     I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; 

                               and because I cannot do everything,

                      I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

                                                                  -Helen Keller


DARE: Don't beat yourself up about not starting and start today. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On Your Marks.

I don't know about you but I have made the promise, "I will start Monday" a time or two when referring to working out, eating healthy, or any goal I have set for myself. If we are honest, I think we all have. I was so overwhelmed by the response to the last Blog post, "Cheers to 2012;" most of you are like me and very hesitant to make new years resolutions in fear of coming up short. Some of you referred to your new year's resolutions as goals or hopes for 2012 and I think that is great. I am a huge goal setter and I love planning out things. BJ makes fun of me because I prefer writing in a planner over using an app to plan out my week, month and even year. There is something exciting about writing things down. Are you like that?  Or is it just me?

Start Running. 

One of my goals/new year's resolutions is to run a half marathon. I have thought about it, talked about about it and even made it a goal of mine times before, but this is the year I will do it! I tweeted to my fellow twitter friends asking them for their help getting started. My cousin replied to my tweet, "Start running." I laughed out loud because I was hoping to obtain some information about registering for a marathon or information about when/where the next marathon was being held etc. But how true is his advice? If I want to run a half marathon this year, I need to simply start running. As I looked over my other goals/ dreams for 2012 I realized that if I want to see these dreams become a reality, I must start today. I need to kick the," I'll start Monday" mentality to the curb. There have been many times when "Monday" has never come and desires inside of me, dreams of doing and accomplishing great things that have remained just that, a dream. 

Start Today. 

What is something on your list that you are planning to start on Monday that you can begin today? Is it a vacation you are hoping to take with your family that you can begin saving for today? Is it a new business or company you have been dreaming about starting that you can begin doing research today? Is it to lose weight and you can start today by cutting out soda? What is it that you are believing for that you can begin today? It doesn't have to be the entire 13.1 miles that you want to one day be able to run, but it can be a mile or even two. What are you waiting for? Get to it!

I'm going to start today by running two miles. What are you going to start today? Please share in the comment box below. I am going to continue the book giveaway for this post as well. Leave a comment and enter in to win a copy of my new favorite book, "The Circle Maker."

TRUTH: "One day, tomorrow will be yesterday." -BJ Johnson

DARE: Start today.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cheers to 2012.

Can you believe it is 2012? I don't know about you, but I have never been so excited and expectant about a new year like I am for this one. I love seeing everyone's Facebook and twitter updates declaring that this is going to be their best year ever! There is something stirring in the hearts and minds of people all over and I have to say I am one of those people. I truly believe that this is going to be my best year! I have to admit, I have never been an "out with the old in with the new" kind of person. I know better than to assume that just because the apple dropped and we rang in a new year that things are going to be magically different than they were last year. I guess that is why I have never made new year's resolutions or drank the "new year, new me" Kool-Aid. But this year is different.

Don't forget 2011.

This year is different because I am different. I am not the same person I was when I rang in 2011 at the hospital after giving birth to my two babies Kennedi & Brooklyn. Being the best mommy I could be was truly my new year's resolution and I can honestly say, I devoted 2011 to doing just that. We took big risks in 2011, experienced disappointment, our faith was tested, and our dreams were defined. Our family experienced a lot of "firsts" as we watched our little girls grow up right before our eyes. I shared with you many of those experiences. So, I am not quick to forget 2011 and I don't think you should either. Whether your year was filled with tragedy and heartache or promotion and blessing what we learned in 2011 is critical for what we will experience in 2012. As I was thinking about 2012, I really felt God asking me two questions that I felt I should share with all of you.

1. What do you want me to do for you?

Every year I buy a new journal, a planner and this time I even bought a new coffee mug. Not sure about you, but God usually speaks to me after a few cups of coffee. As I starred at the blank pages I was challenged to write some pretty bold requests. I began to write down some very specific, out of this world, only God can make this happen, kind of dreams. I almost felt a little out of touch with reality.

"Sometimes faith seems like a denial of reality, but that's because we're holding on to a reality that is more real than the reality we can perceive with our five senses." -Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker

The things I wrote down scared me and excited me all at the same time. If this year is going to be my best year ever than I needed to write down some crazy things! What do you want God to do for you? Yes, if you could see anything and have anything what would that be? I encourage you to ask yourself this question and answer it boldly. 

2. Will you TRUST me to answer these requests how I want to?

After I starred at these crazy dreams, I was challenged to give them over completely to God. I made the request but it will be Him who writes the story. I gave Him the what, He will determine the how. To be honest, I wasn't as excited about this part but I know that if I want to see all that I have in my heart for this year become a reality then I must be willing to trust Him with the process. When we moved to Los Angeles last April I really thought it was about God placing us a the right place at the right time, but as I look back on all that we have walked through since our move, I understand that it was more about becoming the right person. We took the risk, we made the move, but it was all the "blog material stories" that has changed me into the person He wants me to become. 

As you and I embark on a new year with great anticipation let us not forget the lessons and hard times we encountered in 2011. Everything you and I went through last year made us stronger, wiser, and more equipped for this year. This year will be different because you and I are different people. This will be our best year ever. 

My new year's resolutions are to: Trust God more. Pray audacious prayer. Dream big. Believe His promises are true. Love authentically. Run a half marathon. Give more. What are your new year's resolutions? Please share. 

I will be GIVING away a copy of my new favorite book, The Circle Maker to someone who officially follows this blog and comments on this post. 

I think I will. Cheers to 2012!

TRUTH:                     “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
                                           and no mind has imagined
                                            what God has prepared
                                             for those who love him. 

                                                                 1 Corinthians 2:9

DARE: Write down bold, specific things you want to see happen in 2012 and BELIEVE.