Last week I had the chance to be apart of the studio audience for the show The Doctors. I was told that I was not going to just any taping, but that I was going to be at the Holiday giveaway show. I don't think I slept a wink the night before and I was more than willing to wake up extra early that morning. I wore a festive outfit, put on some red lipstick and listened to Christmas music the whole way there. I was beyond excited. I anticipated it was going to be an amazing day!
When I arrived at the studio, I noticed a long line of people waiting to enter. I was greeted by a sea of red and white scarves, vibrant holiday sweaters, and smiling faces. Everyone including myself was expectant about the hours to come. I have never met a more excited and friendly group of people as those that were in the audience. But what if we all didn't know we were going to sit in on a Holiday giveaway show but instead attend just an ordinary show. Would I have been so excited? Would the audience members been so jolly? I don't think so. As a matter of fact, I know so. In order to receive the gifts won in the first show we had to stick around for a second taping, which was not a giveaway show. While we waited for the second show to start, people were yawning, hardly talking, and checking their watches every five minutes. Talk about night and day. The expectation in the room was low. Fortunately, the group of girls I sat with were fun and still very excited. We were all loving every minute of this experience!
Friday morning was just another ordinary day that I started with great expectation. As you saw from the video post, I was excited. I knew that there were things I was going to go home with that I did not have before and an experience I was going to walk away with that I would remember for a long time. But it still was just another ordinary day. I want to start every ordinary day expecting extraordinary things to take place. I want to go to sleep every night with such anticipation I can hardly sleep. Why? because that is how we are to live our life. Everyone who came to the show that morning was going home with all the same gifts no matter how excited they were. But it was a whole lot more enjoyable and memorable for those who were excited. I didn't care if they were giving away a high valued gift or just a wooden pencil, I was ecstatic. Imagine how much more enjoyable life would be if we viewed every opportunity, every conversation, every new experience as a high valued gift freely given to us!
People have often said, "we should live each day as if it were our last," but I believe that we should live everyday as though we know it is going to be our best day! I think that when we do, we are going to start living out a lot of great days. I have lived out too many days being so eager for a big moment that I have missed out on memories and special moments I can never get back. This morning, no matter what, you and I were given breath into our bodies to live another day of life. Let us not take it for granted.
TRUTH: "This is the day that the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it."Psalms 118:24
DARE: Start your day tomorrow with great expectation.
I am rejoicing with you Sarah! What greater gifts he has in store for us!! So.... what did you win?