This past weekend we took our girls to Disneyland. To say that I was excited is an understatement. It was like Christmas all over again. All week I would explain to the girls that we were going to see all the Disney characters, ride fun rides, eat cotton candy and have the best time ever. I knew my daughters had no idea what I was talking about, but they could sense my excitement and would get super enthused. They would respond to me by clapping their hands, dancing and even snapping their fingers. Their beautiful eyes would light up as I would go into great detail about our day at Disneyland. They were excited because I was excited even though they had absolutely no clue what I was talking about.
I could hardly sleep the night before our big day. My girls on the other hand slept like babies. For them,
tomorrow was just another ordinary day. But
tomorrow was not so ordinary,
tomorrow was going to be a special day. Before closing my eyes, I leaned over and whispered to BJ, "Tomorrow we are going to Disneyland and the girls have no idea." Tomorrow came early and we made our way to the park ready to have a perfect day. It was a perfect day. The girls were happy from beginning to end. We did all that I had planned we would do. We saw all the Disney characters, we rode fun rides, we ate cotton candy and had the best time ever.
I think we were in Fantasyland when I caught myself just starring at my girls; it was as if time stood still. It was either because I was captivated by the moment or it was because the line for the Dumbo ride seemed to never end. Either way, I had a moment. A BLOG moment. How many times have I gone to sleep at night thinking that on the other side of today awaits just an ordinary day?
This life we live should be defined as anything but ordinary! Instead, it should be defined
as an adventure. There are memories to be made, experiences to be had and opportunities to be taken everyday. I have slipped into the "routine" of life a time or two but I want to get up in the morning with the same excitement I had when I woke up knowing we were going to Disneyland. My hopes is that this doesn't come across cheesy. I don't want to live for the weekend or be the person that wishes Monday thru Thursday away. I want to live everyday with great expectation, believing that tomorrow will be far from ordinary. How about you? Have you found yourself in the routine of life? Have you counted down the minutes until school or work lets out on Friday so you can begin to enjoy yourself? Or maybe you have found ways to keep each day fresh and full of great excitement. If so, share your experience by leaving a comment in the box below. I would love to hear from you.
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you
-Romans 12:1,2 MSG
DARE: Break out of routine and live tomorrow a little not so ordinary.
Daddy, B & K in their Minnie Mouse Shirts.
Brooklyn received a CELEBRATION Pin for walking up stairs all by herself!
Mommy and Kennedi
Brooklyn pointed at EVERYTHING she wanted to see!!
Our FIRST ride!
Us! xoxo
When time stood still... Far from ordinary....
The girls having FUN! K(back) B(front)
Thanks for this post. Very thought provoking for me. I find myself most days living for the moment I get off work and the weekend. I so crave and enjoy the time I have with my family that I don't take the time to enjoy each moment that the Lord has blessed me with. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and helping me to step back and take a look at what I've been doing and how I should now take advantage of every moment and day I have! Be blessed!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. I value my time with my family so much that I was feeling like I was always fighting for it... in turn not taking advantage of the moments. I pray that God show you the significance in the NOW :)
DeleteWow! You're absolutely right! I can't tell you how often I wish the "work days" away. I'm blessed with a job to help people daily and when I take the time to get "captivated" in the moment, God is truly blessing me each time in return. Thanks for your post because this is a great challenge to understand that our timely routine and what we do with it is God's and shouldn't be overlooked or wished away. I love being able to spend time with my Husband and family, but to know God is using me and wants to bless me in the moments I want to wish away is worth focusing and taking time to get "captivated" in the moment with Him!
ReplyDeleteYes!!! I am s glad you are taking me up on my DARE!!!
DeleteYou are so right!!! We need to make everyday a Friday, embrace each day with joy.
ReplyDeleteHey, I think someone should write about that hehe... but I think Joel Osteen beat me to it. Have a great weekend.
DeleteI'm wishing today away. I shouldn't. This is the day the Lord has made. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteMy girls were so sick yesterday... almost wanted to wish it away...then was challenged by this BLOG to be present and see ALL that TODAY has to offer. Love you!!!!