BJ and I have learned to be very creative when it comes to making sure we get some alone time or should I say time to eat our dinner at a reasonable pace. (Not shoveling our food down because our little munchkins are demanding our fullest attention) On our way home from church the other night, we decided to swing by and grab some fast food. Instead of taking it home we parked in the parking lot and ate our food while the little munchkins slept. We have done this a few times. It's like a make shift date and we love it. We started talking about our day, what's happening in our worlds and I said something that sounded a bit bizarre.
"As crazy as this might sound, I'm almost addicted to going through trials. Every trial has made me better, stronger, wiser. I am not the girl I was when we first got married. I am not the girl I was when we moved to North Carolina. I am not the girl I was when we got pregnant, moved to Cali or even the same girl a few days ago. I almost don't even recognize her." Those were the words I spoke to BJ that night. He and I began to talk about how much we have grown and how much we have learned. We realized that growing and learning doesn't come in the good times, but most often in the hard times. These trials and hard moments have now become BLOG material and to be honest it feels pretty weird when I don't have some crazy story to share with all of you. So I guess you can say, I am addicted to the hard times. Not that I desire hardship but instead I embrace the hardship that is inevitably coming my way.
I realized that I was not a crazy person for thinking this way. John Bevere, one of the world's most influential leaders, authors, and speakers came and shared with our church about being relentless. He spoke about how conflict and hardship will happen. That trouble is inevitable. He encouraged us to embrace a positive attitude towards adversity. I know, it doesn't really make sense does it? He described it as a paradigm shift we need mentally. Just as a tree becomes stronger through wind or a body builder adds more and more weight to lift in order to build muscle, you and I should view hardship as an OPPORTUNITY to become better!
God knows where He is taking you and He knows what we are going to need, who we need to be in order to truly be successful and able to handle all that He has for us. He values you and I that much that He will allow us to go through the storms of life, knowing that we are capable of being victorious. I tweeted a statement that God gave me the other day as I was running, "God didn't send the storm, He allowed it. Not to break you, but to make us stronger."
Better Me.
I don't know if you are in the middle of a storm, if you have just walked out on the other side of a storm, or if you are getting ready to walk into a storm, but I want to encourage you today that God has not authored it, but allowed it, knowing that He has given you every tool you need to overcome it! It might not feel exciting or worth it, but I promise you it is and when, (not if) you walk through it you will be stronger, wiser, and better. I don't want to be the same person I am today three years from now. I want to be a better me.
Do I sound crazy? I am sure I do. How have you viewed or do you view adversity? I would love to hear your thoughts.
TRUTH: "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way"- James 1:2-4
DARE: Embrace a positive attitude towards adversity.
Great blog as usual! I love the feeling that we talked about that night, the craving of God taking us from "Glory to Glory". I know that every person reading this will be encouraged to see trials differently and begin to embrace God's given "growth opportunities" I love you ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog! Having a positive attitude towards adversity definitely helps.....and pleases GOD :) and I am sure it totally ticks the enemy off! I love the song HE'S still working on me to make me what I ought to be! So glad GOD doesn't give up on us and promises to finish in us the good work that HE started : )
ReplyDeleteWell said, I have felt this very thing, that GOD knows what I can endure,and HE has the faith in me,that I will bear up even under the fiercest storms.Not by my own strength, but by relying on HIM. I quote this alot from John Hagee: "You never know how good GOD is, until you go through something" We cannot grow until we go through adversity, we would not have a story to tell. How can we be able to help someone else who is challenged if not for our own struggles and trials? Yea, we wish we could fast forward these times, but HE is molding us into HIS image. And He has to put us back on the pottery whel time and time again.
ReplyDeleteWonderful word Sarah!!! This is so true. God is true to his word - he never leaves us and this includes during our struggles and trials. He makes provisions for each day!!! God is so good!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you honey! I am so grateful to be on this journey with you!! Thank you for allowing me to share our life with everyone!!
ReplyDeleteKim! Yes, I wonder why he "the enemy" tries to throw trials in our only makes us STRONGER!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDarlene- Every time we go through, we learn a new aspect of who God is! He is my healer, my comforter, my strong tower, my everything!!!
ReplyDeleteDenise! Yes He is! Whoo!!