Saturday, December 24, 2011

Although It's Been Said.

Many Times Many Ways.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have had a wonderful few weeks preparing for Christmas. I know it can get busy and sometimes a bit stressful, but my wish is that you have remembered what this time of year is all about. Celebrating the birth of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus. We get to do this by spending time with those we love, giving gifts, hanging stockings, and of course eating more than we should. 

Christmas Card.

Many of you saw this years' Johnson Christmas Card. We felt it depicted our life pretty accurately and wanted to give you all a glimpse into our world, TOTAL TWIN TAKEOVER. It was the picture before the perfect picture. Since we chose to do our card that way, we still wanted to take a family photo. We didn't realize just how accurate our Christmas Card truly was. Here is a little video compiled of over 300 attempts to find the perfect picture. Enjoy!

TRUTH: A picture is worth a thousand words.

DARE: In the busyness of this Holiday, take time to create memories that will last forever.

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Will you take me up on the DARE? How so? Would love to hear back from you.