Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hollywood Hills.

Last Friday BJ and I decided to visit Griffith Park and the Observatory. We wanted to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day and get our workout in at the same time. It was our first time visiting so we parked our car at the bottom of the park, put the girls in their stroller and started our trek up the hill. We worked up quite a sweat in just a few minutes of pushing the stroller up the windy, steep hill. When we arrived at the Observatory we were speechless. The view that overlooked the city of Los Angeles was incredible. The place was flooded with tourists, students and other locals just like us. We noticed a lot of people had parked their car at the Observatory and were actually hiking up the mountain. It looked like fun and since we weren't quite ready to go home, we decided to journey up what they call the "Hollywood Hills."

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. 
Here are this week's TRUTH or DARE
TRUTH: "I'm running around, I got my feet on the ground."-Collbie Caillat

DARE: Live outside the box.

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Will you take me up on the DARE? How so? Would love to hear back from you.