Thursday, December 12, 2013

Baby No. 3

It's still hard to imagine life with three kids! Whenever we are doing our normal routines like shopping, going out to eat or getting ready for our day, I randomly shout out, "And now add a baby!" We laugh, just imagining a baby in the equation. We are very excited for Baby Boy Johnson, and wait with open arms for the adventure that is just on the other side of his delivery. This past weekend, we celebrated Baby Boy Johnson! It was a great morning spent with our friends here in South Florida. He is so loved already!!! As I was opening up the cutest little things, I got so excited- as being a mommy to a little boy became more of a reality. 

Two vs One. 

This pregnancy is a lot different than my first pregnancy with the girls- for obvious reasons. I remember being a whole lot bigger this time of my pregnancy! I remember so many people telling me that I was 'glowing'. As I look back at pictures, I wasn't really glowing-it was more like sweating! Being that it was my first pregnancy, the anticipation of becoming a mommy for the first time consumed my every thought! I didn't feel the girls move around a whole lot, as I am sure they didn't have too much room in there. This time around, I feel him move all day long- he is already a mover and a shaker!

Pregnancy Round Two.

Even though there are a lot of differences in my pregnancies, there are a lot of things that are the same. As I was sitting in my bed this morning and watched my belly move in all sorts of directions, I had a BLOG moment. 

I am not too sure how anyone can experience pregnancy, or know someone who has, and not believe that there is a God-a creator! The whole process is nothing short of a miracle. So many things have to go right in order for a life to be born! It's so incredible to think that just a few weeks ago, this little guy was the size of a grain of rice. At that size, he already had a heart beat, a destiny, and a future! According to Baby Center, he is the size of a pineapple this week. How incredible. 


There is nothing that I can DO to create this miracle. This whole process is really out of my control. I don't craft his body, keep his heart beating, or make him grow- it is miracle from God. As we gear up to launch our first weekend Sunday service in February of 2014, I am reminded that just as giving birth to a natural baby is far beyond my control, so is 'birthing this church.' 

Maybe you are not carrying a physical child in your belly today, but you are carrying a promise. It is important to remember that there is nothing that you and I can do that will void the need for God's miraculous power working in our lives. God is not looking for people who can make it happen, but instead, He is looking for willing vessels.

Carrying this baby full term, I am required to do these 3 things. 

1. Put the right things inside my body. Every night I take a prenatal vitamin that gives my body the proper nutrients it needs for my healthy, growing boy. I try and eat the right kinds of 'power' foods that give my baby the best of the best.

When carrying a promise of God, we too need to be sure we are putting the right things in our body, not only physically, but spiritually. 

2. Stay Rested. This is so important and sometimes can be easily overlooked, especially when being a mommy of 2 toddlers, a wife, a full time employee and a church planter! 

When we are walking in our destiny, it is important that we get rest! Doing more doesn't equate to better results!

3. Stay hydrated. I drink water all day long. 

When we are pursuing the promises of God, we must find moments of refreshment. We need to get away for a few days and get fresh perspective!

4. Not to stress! Stress is toxic for a woman carrying a child. Pregnant woman need to avoid stress!

When you and I are believing God for the impossible, we must not worry, but instead TRUST that God is faithful and will come through on His promises.

Bringing It Home. 

God is looking for willing people who will trust Him with their whole heart. When we do what we can do, God does what only He can do- and that is a miracle. 

Whatever promise you are carrying, remember that what God has entrusted IN you is nothing short of a miracle. He is not desiring you to create the miracle, simply house it!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14

DARE: Be willing!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Most of you have heard about people taking time to pray and fast as they believe God for certain things. Fasting has always been a part of our life and we have seen God do great things when we do. With the Holidays approaching and the new year just around the corner, we felt that God was asking us to pray and feast! Yes, you read that right-feast.

Everywhere Jesus went, there was food and when there wasn't, he turned loaves and fished into the greatest dinner party! I am not sure if this is super spiritual or if my pregnancy has taken over, but I am really excited about spending the next 21 days praying and feasting! We are hosting 3 dinner parties in the month of November- a time when our friends come together and share a meal. There is something special about sharing a meal together. I think that the dinner table experience is lacking in our busy, on the go culture, so we see this as a great opportunity! One of our values as a church is family. We believe that when the family is strong, our communities, regions and nation is strong!

Great conversation happens around a dinner table that no text message or face time can replace! I love technology and I love to text, but nothing compares to being with the people.

Each of you are so important to me, and although I may not be able to share a meal with you, I would like to spend the next 21 days praying for you! Please comment below or e mail me directly with your prayer requests. There is nothing that is impossible for God! I believe He is waiting for us to seek Him and believe that He is able!

If you are in the South Florida area, I invite you to join us for a Dinner Party! Visit our church's website for more information

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.


"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6


Be intentional, sit down together with your family and friends and share a meal together this week!

Friday, November 1, 2013

School of Hard Knocks.

It's a new and exciting season here in the Johnson household. BJ took on a full time position for a lighting company this past month. We felt it was what we were supposed to do in this season of church planting. For the past year, he has been able to stay at home with the girls, pick up some side jobs and put his efforts into church planting. The girls are growing up so fast and they are demanding more and more of our time. With a busy schedule and keeping up with the girls, we saw an opportunity for BJ to bring in more for us financially and for a chance for the girls to be in an environment where they can learn and grow! 'Daddy Day Care' has been awesome and I love seeing all that their daddy has taught them over the past year. His desire to be a present father and to focus on teaching them things was not enabling him to do the other things he has been called to do in this season. So, he took this position and after much prayer, we found the girls a wonderful pre-school to attend a few days out of the week.

Praying For My Miracle.

Enrolling the girls into a pre-school has been on our prayer list for some time now. It has been something we have circled over and over again in prayer- for God to not only lead us to the right school, but also for scholarship opportunities. This past month, our prayers were answered and we found the perfect place for our girls to attend and were given a partial scholarship because we are in ministry! How awesome right? (We are still praying and believing for FULL scholarships from either the school or from others who want to sow into their school, so if you would-remember us in prayer!) Pre School for TWO can cost you a pretty penny!

School of Hard Knocks.

This past week, I received a call from the girls' school. They called to inform me that a little boy bit Kennedi on the shoulder while out on the playground. She let me know that it was a pretty bad bite and that it broke skin. By the time she was calling me (just minutes after) she was already bruising. Her teacher let me know that Kennedi was ok and already playing again and to also remind me of their procedure when a child is bitten, etc.

My heart broke in sadness, feeling so bad for my little K. A bite hurts! I also got very upset (to put it nicely) and wanted to know if this little boy was hurt in anyway (secretly hoping her sister Brooklyn took care of the situation before the teachers came to his rescue). Maybe I'm the only mom who has ever imagined "gently spanking" another child because he or she hurt one of her babies. If I am, so be it! I was hurt and I was mad.

This Wouldn't Happen IF.

I was already frustrated that week because both of my girls, who hardly EVER get sick, had now had this constant runny nose and slight cough for the third week straight. So on top of viewing this awesome academy as a germ infested place, I had a little boy snacking on my kid for lunch! I started going down the list of things we wouldn't have to deal with if the girls weren't in school. The list went on and on until all of a sudden I had a BLOG moment.

I realized in that moment that what I was going through, was something I had prayed for!

I had spent months praying for an opportunity for the girls to go to a pre-school where they would learn and grow and here I am, standing in my miracle complaining. Sure, I wouldn't have to deal with certain things that come with having your kids in school, but not having any of these issues, would mean I would not have my miracle.

My Miracle. My Mess.

I have a growing baby boy in my belly who I am so eager to meet! I am believing for a healthy boy-that's my miracle. This little miracle is going to require a lot of my time and sleep- I would be crazy to assume any different. When you experience a miracle and are walking in your fulfilled prayers, know that there will be problems you've never had, inconveniences you've never experienced and times where you too will want to complain or fantasize about what life was like before. Remember, YOUR PRAYERS GOT YOU INTO THIS MESS!!!

Be encouraged! You have a mess because you have a miracle. You have poopy diapers because you have a healthy child. You have car issues because you have a car. The messes in life and the things we walk through are indications that we are growing, moving forward and living!

I would give anything for my girls never to experience what Kennedi experienced, that goes without saying- but I have to know that these new seasons will come with new sets of challenges.

Bringing It Home.

Are you living in a new season and feeling overwhelmed by the new mess you created in your prayer closet? If so, you are in good company. Keep moving forward- your mess is a sign of progress and just as God gave you the strength to endure the last season of your life, He will give you the strength to endure whatever new challenges that come with your miracle.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

TRUTH: Your prayers got you into this mess!!!

DARE: Fully embrace this new season and count your blessings, you are standing in your miracle.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Terrible Twos.

Our girls will be 3 this December. I still can not believe they're that big already. Time sure is flying! Although it makes this mama a bit sad knowing they are not little babies we swaddle each night, it brings me so much joy seeing them develop, learn and grown each and everyday. Whenever people see this baby bump of mine-which is very large by the way, and I mention that I have two year old twins, they look at me with a such sympathy. I usually laugh. We have all heard of terrible twos- we like to refer to them as terrific twos, even though not every day is, terrific!

Terrible Twos.

Parenting two girls who are two going on thirteen can have its fair share of challenges. My girls know what they want, how they want it, when they want it and they are not afraid to let us know when something isn't going their way. They are very passionate, out spoken, determined little girls. I still wonder who they get that from? (wink, wink)

Terrific Twos.

I like to think that terrible twos are a result of little humans, we call toddlers, trying to grow into their big personalities. What's happening inside of them is way bigger than their little bodies can handle. They want to do things on their own-like take a bath, brush their teeth and even drive our car (true story). But their little bodies and lack of experience prevent them from being independent. Whether they think so or not, they still need mommy and daddy!


I think I am going through my own version of terrible twos, or ' terrific twos', as I like to call it. There are so many dreams, and desires inside of me, that are way bigger than my little mind can handle. I so desperately want to not only see those things happen, but make those things happen, that I can become quite frustrated when I realize that I am not as independent as I'd like to be.

The dreams that I have for my life are way bigger than me, dreams that can only come from the assistance and help from God. I have learned over the years that in His hands things just work better. But, it doesn't make times when He closes a door, waits to act or even doesn't respond in the way I would like him to any easier.

Grown Up Tantrum.

This week in particular, I threw a tantrum! It seemed like so many things I thought were in my reach were not as close as I would like. Things that I was hoping would happen, weren't looking like they were going to happen- and I was frustrated. In the middle of my tantrum, I had a BLOG moment.

I was frustrated because rather than believing IN the right person, I was focused on believing FOR the right thing. Instead of putting my confidence IN God, I was putting my confidence IN my situation.

My girls do this all the time! Instead of trusting IN mommy to do the right thing for them, they are hoping/wanting FOR a specific thing. They are too young to understand that I will always do what is best for them, even if it means not allowing something to happen.

Don't Lose Your Confidence.

My confidence was depleted and I felt so overwhelmed until I realized that as long as my hope and confidence is IN Jesus, I always win. When I put my trust and hope in WHAT I am believing Him for, I will sometimes come up disappointed.

Bringing It Home.

Maybe you are like me, and you have been believing FOR something very specific, whether in your family, your finances, your kids or your home. Turn your attention to the ONE who will always do things for your best. When we realize that our hope is in the hands of the one who created the heavens and the earth, we can rest easy, knowing that all things work out for our good!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

“I don’t think the way you think.
The way you work isn’t the way I work.”
God’s Decree.
“For as the sky soars high above earth,
so the way I work surpasses the way you work,
and the way I think is beyond the way you think.
Just as rain and snow descend from the skies
and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth,
Doing their work of making things grow and blossom,
producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,
So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed.
They’ll do the work I sent them to do,
they’ll complete the assignment I gave them."
- Isaiah 55:8-9

Put your hope IN Jesus, not your situation.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Moving Day. Smoving Day.

If you have been around the Johnson's for a long time, you know that we like to move! Or at least that's what it may seem. This past weekend we moved to a new place. It is located in a great place and a lot more convenient for everything we do! Moving is never fun, especially when you are pregnant. I am not the kind of person who can sit around and let people do the work-I always have to be doing something. I know, I know, I should be milking every ounce of this pregnancy and should have been relaxing while the rest moved our family of four to our new place. But, that is just not me. I took it easier than I would, but none the less, I worked hard getting everything out of one place and in to the next!

Moving Day. 

This move was probably one of the harder moves- we have two toddler girls who require a lot of attention, we both work full time jobs, we pastor a church launch and have other responsibilities that we have to continue to do whilst moving. While packing, feeding my kids dinner, doing laundry, cleaning up dog pee (something he never does, but I'm guessing not feeding him for two days had something to do with it), packing the girls lunch for the next day, prepping for our upcoming events for church, I had a meltdown- a BLOG moment.

My Thoughts.

In that moment, I felt so alone and felt like BJ and I were doing this thing all alone. I felt like we were carrying the weight of the world on our backs and no one was around to help! How could this be? We are surrounded by amazing people, who at the drop of a hat, serve our family and church so well and so willingly!

In a matter of 10 minutes, my mind went on a crazy adventure. I came to the conclusion that no one wanted to help us! I questioned if we had friends, if we had people who are in our corner. The list goes on and on!

Ask. Seek. Knock.

In the midst of these crazy, conclusions, the scripture, "You have not because you ask not" came to me! It was like a broken record, as I heard this scripture over and over and over until it dawned on me- I had not even asked a single person for help! Not one! Of course we were doing this alone, we had created that reality. Of course no one was around to help. How could they? I had not even asked for their help. If I almost forgot it was moving weekend, I am almost certain that they did too.

How could I expect or desire people to do something that I had not even given them an opportunity to do? Wow! How many times have I done this? Surely it was not my first rodeo at doing things without asking for help. Sigh!


How many of us have done this? We assume that people are going to do certain things or act a certain way towards us and yet we have not given them a fair chance! We put unfair expectations on them, resulting in disappointment and frustration. Sometimes I catch myself expecting others to act in way based on how I would act. How unfair is that? BJ and I have always been people who seek opportunities to lighten someones load. I think it is a gift that God has given us. We often see holes and areas where we can bring solution.

But not everyone is wired that way. Especially when you have people like us, who have a hard time asking people for help. We don't pretend to know how to do it all or that we have it all together, but just like we find great joy helping lighten someone else's load, we never want to be the ' load givers.' 


I immediately called on a handful of people and simply asked for help. You would not believe it, they all said yes without a single hesitation. In moments, I had the help I had so desperately wished would magically appear. They made the move so much easier! 

You and I are not meant to do things alone, nor are we are commissioned to save the world in a single day by our own efforts. Instead, God has strategically placed people in our lives to help us accomplish all that He has called us to- even when doing something as annoying as moving.

Nothing New.

One of the enemy's tactics is to convince us of realities that are not true. He often does this by the way of assumption- we all know what they say when we assume! When we assume certain things or draw up our own conclusions, it will ultimately result in offense. When we carry offense, we live a life not reflecting our true reality. 

Think about Eve- the serpent posed a question she had not yet heard/thought about before. He made her question God's intentions towards her. She assumed that God had not given her his best, when in reality He had given her all that she needed! Rather than seeing what she possessed, she focused on what she 'lacked.' This 'offense' led to sin, and the rest is now history! 

You are not alone. You are not broke. You are not hopeless. You are not lacking. 

Bringing It Home. 

When you are tempted to believe the lies of the enemy, rather than sulk in them, do something about it. If you're doing life alone, be friendly and make friends! If you are feeling like you are hopeless, seek out people who are hopeful! If you are feeling like you are moving your entire family without help, ask for help! 

 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened- 
Matthew 7:7,8.

DARE: Don't assume the worst, but instead, assume the best!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

One Year.

Exactly one year ago, we arrived in South Florida to begin our new journey! We arrived with so much excitement, uncertainties, hesitation and expectation! Florida is known as the "Sunshine State" and let's just say- it gave us a very different welcome. It poured down rain for 2 weeks straight upon our arrival! Moving boxes in and out of a moving truck was extra difficult, as our items were soaked, some even damaged in the process.

Blind Move.

We had made a 'blind' move if you will to our new home in Florida. We had some friends come check out our new apartment community and surrounding neighborhood prior to us moving; based on their comments, we felt it was a great place to land. Well, we were wrong! Our apartment community was a nice area to be in, during the times the sun was out! Once the sun went down, it was a whole different story. So, we packed up back up and headed to a different city in South Florida.

In a matter of 6 days we had already lived in two cities! Anything and everything that could have gone wrong during these first few weeks here went wrong! When I say everything, I mean it, everything!

Everything Is Different.

Just a few weeks prior to moving to South Florida, one of our biggest investors had to rescind their offer to us, creating a need for us to find full time jobs upon our arrival. So, in the midst of finding a place to live, we were also on the job hunt! Good times!!!

I don't know if you have ever moved to a different city or state, but if you have, you understand how everything about your new city seems SO much different than what you are used to. All of a sudden you catch yourself comparing every Starbucks experience, grocery store trip and even the way people drive to what you are used to. For some reason, you predict that what you are used to is "the way it should be." This feeling only makes you frustrated and vulnerable.

Going Back.

It was tough, and there were plenty of moments where I considered going back! I remember being on the phone with BJ one night- He was loading up our U-Haul truck for the second time while I was sitting at a restaurant with the girls. I told him that I wanted to go back, that I didn't want to be here any longer and that somehow we must have "missed it!" How can so many things go so wrong if you believe what you are doing is so right? Surely we had missed it!

He listened, took a minute to respond, and then asked a simple question that changed everything. "What will we do when we go back?" I fished for words, but couldn't find any. I didn't have a strategy plan or even a clue. Going back wasn't an option, not now, not ever.

Victories In Hardships.

In the midst of great challenges there were victories that served as grace to our crazy, new life here in Florida. Our team, including us, found full time jobs in a matter of days, we found the perfect apartment community, city and place to land and call home.

After unpacking our things and deciding that we weren't going back, we began getting to know our new city! We like to say, we began romancing the city-exploring new places to eat, meeting new people and most of all discovering the needs of South Florida.

Romance The City.

We've never wanted to come here with a cookie cutter, already thought out strategic plan to win South Florida for Jesus, but instead we knew that as we made this place home, God would show us how we can bring resolve to so many of this regions problems.

We've established community here through what we call City Groups and have served a local, low income neighborhood through Adopt A Block every Saturday morning. We have adopted a family for Christmas, partnered with local charities and organizations who have served South Florida, as well as met some incredible pastors and churches here who have given their lives to serving this place we call home.

Daring Adventure.

It has been an incredible journey! By incredible, I mean it has been the most rewarding, most challenging thing I have ever done in my life. There have been times when we have felt like everything is stacked up against us, times we have felt so alone and times we have felt so uncertain about our days ahead, but, in all those moments, God has proven himself faithful.

I have learned that the will of God for our lives is the most uncertain, daring, crazy adventure you will ever be on. I have learned that God is not concerned with making us comfortable, but instead, making us dangerous. So many people give up too soon, retreat and choose the safe route instead of the road less traveled.


I don't pretend to know everything, but what I do know, is that God is searching for people who are willing to stick it out, willing to look at adversity and challenges square in the eye and face them! He is looking to do miracles through us! We can't be a part of the miracle if we are not positioned for one!

Before we moved 3,000 miles across the country God spoke to me so clearly. He gave me some foresight of my season to come.

"It is not going to be anything like the way you see it, but I promise, it will be everything you ever hoped it would be."

This one statement has been grace to me in this season and for every season that is to come. It has not looked like anything I have ever imagined it would be, but it has been everything I have ever hoped it would be. I'm thankful that we didn't give up, throw in the towel or go back!

Cheers to another year of adventure!

TRUTH:      "You held me down, but I got up

                      Already brushing off the dust

                      You hear my voice, you hear that sound

                      Like thunder gonna shake the ground

                      You held me down, but I got up

                      Get ready cause I’ve had enough"

DARE: Don't give up, give in or turn back. Be dangerous!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fun Facts.

This past week has been so much fun! We kicked off the week celebrating Mother's Day- BJ and the girls spoiled me rotten with lots of hugs, kisses & wished me 'Happy Mother's Day' over and over. At the end of the day, my heart was full. This week was also my company's picnic, so we spent the day at the park playing activities and enjoying the beautiful day (all while being paid for it, so I say it was a pretty good day). The focus of that day was promoting health and fitness, so the food was a bit underwhelming, considering. 

Laughing Is Good For You.

Before heading out to the park for our outdoor activities, they offered different sessions and workshops taught by professionals in the field of health and fitness. My friend and I thought "Laughing Your Way To Better Health" sounded fun. After all, we've all heard that laughing burns calories, right? 

We Laughed, A Lot.

The session was awesome! The lady who lead the class was so great and so informative. We laughed and laughed and laughed all while learning the reason why you and I should do it more often! I thought it would be fun to share the interesting things I learned about laughter. Here goes.

Did you know....

- Children laugh an average of 300x per day.

- Adults laugh an average of 15x per day.

- When you laugh, it is the ONLY time your logical part of the brain takes a REST.

- When you laugh, it is the ONLY time your brain is truly in the present. (it is not thinking about tomorrow, about anything else going on, except for that moment)

- It is important to laugh for no reason! 

- Children laugh all day long, celebrating all kinds of moments. 

-When people celebrate, they often throw their hands up while doing it-the raising of the hands signals to our brain "wellness" and "victory." 

- (Most) Adults have have good reason to laugh or celebrate. 

Let's Learn From Children.

I know that life can be stressful and that there are things in our world that require us to be serious and focused, but let us learn to laugh more! This life we have been given is supposed to be an extravagant life- with many celebrations along the way. Join me this weekend and laugh for no reason, and to celebrate the little things in life. Let us be more like little children and laugh our way to better days & better, healthier lives.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH:  "A cheerful heart is good medicine" Proverbs 17:22

DARE: Laugh for the next 10 seconds for no reason! (Do this periodically through the weekend) 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's The Little Things.

I can tell you one thing-this girl right here is never short of BLOG material! This past week was no different. BJ has been out of town the past few days, so I took the day off from work yesterday to stay home with the girls. I was super excited-these days I don't get much time just the three of us. We planned to meet up with our new neighbor friends Kaylee (4 years old) and her mom Leslie. They are the sweetest family and we have grown to be such great friends in a short period of time. I love it when I meet people that I instantly hit if off with-people that it is just easy to be around! We heard about an amazing water park in the area and we decided that's where we were going to take the kids. The girls were so excited, they hopped into bed (the night before) without a fight, knowing that when they woke up, we were going to the water park with Kaylee. The next morning, they woke up screaming, " Mommy, let's go put our 'baby soups' on! I think I made them say that about 100x, because they sound so cute! They asked me over and over, "Mommy, are you excited to go?" Ah, priceless moments.

Let's GO!

We piled in the car, 3 car seats in the back and headed to our much anticipated destination. I put the address in my trusted 'Google Maps' and we hit the road. Music up, windows down and ready for a fun day at the water park. About 15 minutes into the drive, we noticed that our GPS was dropping us off somewhere on the turnpike. For my non- Floridian readers, that is smack dab in the middle of an express freeway. "No problem", we thought, we can re-navigate ourselves! We realized that we had gone 15 miles north in the wrong direction and that my trusted 'Google Maps' was not so trusted after all. We got some personal directions from my friend Leslie's husband and we were back on track!

Water Park Bound.

The girls kept saying, "We are going to the water park!" As time went on, their enthusiasm began to fade. I kept reassuring them that we were just minutes away from the best day ever! We finally arrived at our destination (which by the way, was around the corner from my house) and got really excited thinking we had beat the crowd! We were the only ones there! Sounds great, until you realize that not even the employees or even grounds keepers are there either. As we pulled up to the front entrance we see the biggest sign that read, "CLOSED MONDAY- WEDNESDAY until school is out!" Um, really? We began laughing out loud hysterically! Of course the water park was closed, why wouldn't it be-we were so looking forward it!

Turned Around.

We headed back home to our community pool. On the way, we tried getting the kids excited about the pool. They were equally excited knowing that no matter where they were, it was going to be fun! We had a blast yesterday. We played, we splashed, we ate our picnic lunch, and enjoyed a perfect S. Florida day!

Moments That Matter.

What I didn't illustrate to you above were the little things, the little moments that the five of us shared that will forever be priceless to me. The restaurants we would never known existed had we not been lost for 30 minutes, the conversations we over heard our girls having as we were 'trapped' in a car for a few minutes too long, or the time my new friend and I spent laughing at ourselves, knowing had our husbands been involved in the equation-we would have known that this water park was 'CLOSED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY!'

Don't Sweat It.

Yesterday, I was reminded to not sweat the small stuff, to not over react to things that really don't matter. Instead, to roll with the punches, make the most of every situation. It is so much more fun that way! No one wants to be around someone who sucks all the life out of an adventure. Even though we didn't get to go inside "Quiet Waters Splash Park Adventure" we had an adventure on our own. We even saved a few bucks!

Taking It Home.

Do you ever find yourself sweating the small stuff or overreacting to things that really don't matter? Tell me about it, I want to hear from you!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." Richard Carlson, author.

DARE: Whatever hasn't worked out the way you planned it would-let it go, have fun-life will always throw you curve balls and tend to not work out the way you planned for it to, you might as well enjoy it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Crappy Day.

Haha! I think the title alone just drew in some new readers. If  this is your first peek at my blog site, hello! This past week, BJ, (my husband) some of our launch team and I had the amazing privilege of joining 2,500 other church planters and ministry leaders at ARC's All Access Conference. It is one I will never forget. It changed me, challenged me and prepared me for the days ahead. It was so great seeing so many healthy leaders talk about their healthy churches and how the gospel of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed around the world. It is truly the best time to be a part of THE church!!! Like any other getaway, this one just didn't seem long enough, as I found myself back to work on Saturday morning.

Serve The City.

Our church teamed up with one of our favorite churches here in South Florida in what they called, "Serve The City." Over 600 people volunteered their Saturday to serve South Florida! We were so honored to be a part. We had 16 people from our church show up-which is awesome! The group was tasked to clean up a farm. Yes, a farm. For 3 1/2 hours, a group of about 50 people cleaned up hay, shoveled manure, and anything else that needed to be done. 

Picture Perfect.

There were other groups that were painting schools, participating in building projects, and other serving endeavours that to most, could appear as more desirable projects. BJ told me about how these 50 individuals not only cleaned up this farm but they did it with a lot of smiles, laughter and in record time. The owner of this particular farm was so impressed by their willingness and ability to get things done, she assigned more projects for them to complete. The group sent me pictures of their day and even considered it to be one of their favorite, most memorable days.


What was most remarkable to me was that our team didn't think anything less of the assignment given to them, rather, they served with their whole hearts. What some of our team didn't know, was that this farm is not only home to many horses, but it's a place where healing is found. This particular farm exists to help children who have experienced the loss of someone through their interaction with horses. Although our team never spent a second with a child who has experienced loss or had the chance to witness a child go through the healing  process, the part they played was invaluable!

Tomorrow's Rainbow.

What a concept! To think that our assignment in life, although may not seem glamorous or even purposeful at the time, if we are obedient and responsible with it, can help transform someone else's life! There was a BLOG moment, a life lesson, a perspective shift right in the middle of a 'crappy' day. (you see what I did there) Our team was not only excited to clean up a farm, they were honored to. They grabbed a hold of something that takes most people a lifetime to understand. There is a hurting world that desperately needs each of us to do our part, no matter what the task may look like or even smell like.

200 Man Hours.

During their time there, our team was told countless amount of stories of the children who have found hope and healing on the other side of great loss through this farm, "Tomorrow's Rainbow." The group completed over 200 man hours at this farm and made a difference to great too measure all because they were willing to do their part and serve with a heart that screams, "I will do whatever it takes to help hurting people, no matter what it looks like."

Taking It Home.

It is very easy to devalue the task/responsibility we have been entrusted with when we focus on the 'next thing' in our life. What is it that you are being entrusted with that may not seem so glamorous? Whatever it is, I encourage you to do it, and do it with all of your heart-you just never know how your crappy day can bring hope to someone else.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: There's value in crappy days.

DARE: Do whatever it is that you are asked to do with all your heart no matter what it looks like.

Just a few highlights of our day!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Turn The Tide.

This past week, my parents came to visit us here in our new home state of Florida. It was an amazing week filled with lots of hugs, kisses, laughter and pictures! We made great memories, and like every time, it was hard to say, "see you soon." As we drove up to the airport Kennedi began crying and even said that she didn't want Granny to go on the airplane. Talk about ripping your heart out! It was so crazy to see how at only 2 years old she knew the concept of Granny going back home. While they were here we decided to take them to see Key West. We had never been and thought it would be a great little getaway.


The Keys are beautiful! The drive was breathtaking- the ocean was turquoise and the sand was like a pearl-white. Ahh.. I can almost picture myself there again. I love road trips especially ones like that-they give me a chance to think, reflect, dream and relax. We have been going non stop lately so it was perfect timing to just getaway. As I was starring at the ocean's tide, I began reflecting on the last few weeks. Without going into too many details, there have been areas in my life that have been a challenge. I have found myself complaining about these situations more than I should and almost having a "woe is me" attitude. As I watched the tide go in and out I had a blog moment.

Turn The Tide.

BJ is a phenomenal communicator- in one of my favorite messages he shares, he gives an example of how we are not meant to be thermometers, but instead we should be thermostats. Thermometers GAGE the temperature around them, thermostats SET the temperature. Rather than sulk in the circumstances I have been given, God was calling me to SET the pace and turn the tide. Some of us don't enjoy our office environment and would rather transfer to a different job, but maybe God is wanting you to change the office environment for the better. Some of us don't like the neighborhood we live in and want to move to cleaner, kid-friendly place, but maybe God wants us to change our neighborhood and make it a place everyone wants to live. Maybe we don't like the school our kids attend and are looking for ways to get them in a better one, but maybe God wants us to volunteer at their school and contribute to making that school a better school for all students.

I don't know what area in your life isn't what you want it to look like, but I challenge you to see this as an opportunity to do something about it. Let us not be people who gage our environment, but let us be people who set the pace, people who turn the tide.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

DARE:  Turn the tide.

My Drive. Where I decided to 'Turn The Tide.'

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Basket.

This past Friday night we took the girls to a glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt. This year is the first year our girls understand the concept of hunting for candy-filled eggs, so I was excited to take them. Most of the community Easter events are held on Saturdays and since I work every Saturday, I knew this was the only Easter Egg Hunt I could experience with them.

Oh No!

Half way to the event I realized I had forgotten their Easter baskets! I yelled over to BJ who was driving, "Turn the car around, I forgot their baskets!" Looking down at the clock and back at him a few times- we knew if we turned around now, we could potentially miss the Easter Egg Hunt. All of a sudden my mind was flooding with all kinds of horrible thoughts.


I started thinking about the what seems likes a million instagram posts I had scrolled through of my friends and their kids and all the Easter-themed days, moments, dinners. Some even had their own personal Easter bunny visit their homes (not really, but seemed like it at the time) Some of them had dyed their rice and pasta to look like dyed eggs, they had their kid's Easter basket custom made with their initials on it and had the whole thing hidden away for the past 3 months.


Meanwhile, my reality was that I had just purchased their Easter basket an hour before (while they were in the grocery cart with me) ran home in time to feed them oatmeal for dinner because I didn't prepare anything beforehand, changed their clothes and brushed their hair. Running out the door without their baskets!

Your Lane.

I expressed my feelings of being a horrible mother to BJ; not only had I forgotten their baskets, but this was the only "Easter-y" event I was able to experience with them... the list went on and on! I continued by comparing my reality to other's reality, or what I perceived to be their reality. BJ stopped me in mid sentence and said, "Sarah run in your own lane and be confident in it!"

Off Track.

For a second there, I had gotten a bit off track. In a moment of panic, I allowed insecurity to get the best of me. I am not the mother who makes organic soap in my backyard (I don't even have a backyard) nor am I the mom who has the menu for the week inscribed on a chalk board that I did as a Pinterest project one day! Most days I know that and embrace that, but last Friday I viewed those things as a weakness.


Knowing who you are is so important- but knowing who you are not is sometimes equally as important. As people we compare, and it is so easy to subconsciously compare our lives to others. Whether we see it on a social media forum or just by observing people's lives, we sometimes (if you're anything like me) ask questions like, "Am I doing enough with my life?" or, "Am I a thoughtful wife like her?" or, "Why am I not married by now?"You get the picture.

Turn It Around.

In this moment I had to be reminded to run in my lane and to be completely confident in whatever that lane looks like. It's OK to want to do more and be the best mother, sister, wife, friend, brother we can be, but it is not OK to beat ourselves up in the process. If you forget your kid's Easter basket, don't start going down rabbit trails of horrible thoughts. (see what I did there?) Instead, make your husband jump out of the car with the kids at the event, turn your car around and zip on home to pick the baskets up, go back to the Easter Egg Hunt and make it just in time for the kids to hunt for some candy-filled eggs. That's what I did anyways.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: You are not meant to live anyone else's reality.

DARE: Be confident in that reality, whatever that looks like.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easier and Harder.

Yesterday I spoke to one of my dearest friends on the phone. We talked, we laughed and caught up on life. We of course talked about what we were learning and areas we were being challenged in. She began to talk to me about how one day she would love to trust God so much that she would wake up in the morning and say, "God I know you got this!" and truly mean it. She asked if trusting God ever becomes easier, and wondered if she would ever truly get to that place.

One Step.

For most of you who have followed my journey, you have seen my story of trusting God one step at a time unfold right before your eyes. You have read about the times my faith seemed to fail or times when I have felt as though I can help change the world. When it comes to trusting God, this is what I have learned.

Daring Adventure.

Each step that God asks you and I to take will seem more daring than the step before. We often think that the steps of faith God is going to ask us to take will be less scary or will seem to be less of a risk. The opposite it usually the case. When BJ and I were newlyweds and we had an opportunity to move across the country for an amazing church, we without hesitation jumped at the opportunity. We felt as though if it worked out great, and if it didn't, OK! We didn't have many commitments, financial burdens, and not even a dog to care for. Making that choice to leave our lives, family and friends was a risky choice, but an easy one in comparison to the steps that would follow.

The steps of faith that we would take after that, would only prove to be more uncertain.

I have joked to people about BJ and I being "adventure junkies." Some people appreciate the term and some consider it "irresponsible." I think life is meant to be more than what most consider to be the "American Dream." But, maybe that's just me. What I mean when I say that we are adventure junkies, is that we have become addicted to trusting God and seeing Him prove Himself to be faithful to us over and over again.

I explained to my friend on the phone that while each step that God asks us to take becomes more daring and uncertain, your trust in Him becomes stronger and stronger.

The bigger the step, the more you HAVE to trust in God. Small steps can often be accomplished on our own, but as you and I begin to take bigger steps, our need for Him is inevitable. So although what we are doing isn't easier, trusting Him is.


God's desire is that our journey will bring us closer to Him. That we realize more and more how little we are and how great He is. I am not saying that your "big step of faith" is a move across the country or quitting your job. Your "big step of faith" is simply the next step. Whatever that looks like, whatever that may be, I encourage you to take it. This new season we are in is the most uncertain, scary, awesome season we have ever experienced. What has kept me from going crazy is the OBVIOUS need for Him in my life. BJ and I can not do this without Him. Trusting Him is easy.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior."
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Hillsong United, Zion.

DARE: Before you go to bed tonight and when you wake up in the morning declare, "God I know you got this!!" 

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bible.

We have been watching the six-week series, The Bible on the History Channel, every Sunday night. Last night we packed out our house with a bunch of new friends, made ice cream cones, popped popcorn & brewed lots of coffee. It was a celebration!! #JesusIsComing was a trending topic surrounding last night's show and like us, millions of viewers tuned in to see the birth and life of Jesus.


We were captivated as we watched the story of a baby, born of a virgin, named Jesus, the savior of the world. We have read this story time and time again, but seeing it was powerful! My favorite part was when Jesus swam out to Peter and jumped in his boat, compelling Peter to follow Him. When Peter asked Jesus what they would do together, Jesus replied, "We're going to change the world."

Bold Declaration.

Changing the world seems like a bold declaration if you ask me. It is crazy to think that just as Jesus called Peter to change the world with Him, I believe that He has asked you and I the same thing.

Unattainable Task.

Changing the world can feel like unattainable task. We can get so overwhelmed and not know where exactly to begin- I have felt like that before. When I learned about the thousands of kids that go to sleep at night with no food to eat in South Florida alone, I felt almost paralyzed.

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Changing the world begins when you and I change OUR world. YOUR world is your home, your workplace, your family, your community, etc. Changing our world is when we decide that although we can not do everything, we can do something.
What's Your Complaint?
My husband BJ tells me often when I have a "complaint" about something, whether it is children going to bed hungry or women being enslaved into sex trafficking that just maybe, I have been called to help bring resolution to that problem. It can even be as simple as not enjoying your work environment. Maybe you are supposed to be the light in the darkness, the JOY to that company.
Right People. Right Place. Right Plan.
I believe that you and I have been positioned where we are on the map, doing what we are doing, surrounded by a specific group of people for a purpose, and that purpose is to bring resolution to the problems, healing to the brokenness and hope to the hopelessness.
Loaves & Fishes.
As you and I take advantage of the little moments or the small window of opportunity to do something, I believe that God will give us resources and the creativity we need to change the world. You may not be able to house every orphan or wipe every tear, but you can do something!
Join Me.
Will you join me in changing the world. It is simple, let us begin changing OUR world and little by little, day by day, moment by moment.
Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."  
                                                                                                         -Mother Teresa.

DARE: Change something about YOUR world today!

Monday, March 11, 2013


This past weekend, we took our launch team with us to one of our favorite churches in South Florida. They had a special guest speaker that was to be revealed the day of the service. People were expectant and so were we. I always look forward to going to church- in this season we are checking out all kinds of churches. We love learning from other churches and seeing what they are all about.

The journey to #STAND.

I left yesterday's worship experience in awe of my God! The special guest speaker is a well-known pastor, who leads a mega church in Arizona. He shared his story of how in 2011, he was diagnosed with an "incurable" disease. I do not remember the medical term for his disease, but it wasn't a good prognosis or diagnosis. He was given a life expectancy of 9 years maximum and was told that there is no treatment or cure to this disease.

There was not a dry eye in the auditorium.

He explained how just  the act getting out of bed, walking across the stage, standing up and sitting down had become extremely difficult. He spoke about how this disease has effected his children, his wife, his church members and those closest to him. And then he said something that I will never forget...

"There is value in your struggle."

He stood on that stage, weak in his body, yet far stronger than every able- bodied person in that room. He reminded us, that life is not fair and that there are things we can not control, but if choose to see the value in our struggle, that God can use it for His glory and purpose. He spoke boldly about the love of God for Him! With every ounce of his being he knows that God is able to heal his body, but if He chooses not to, he knows that God has a purpose for his life far greater than anything we can ever see on this side of eternity.

His strength was made perfect in his weakness.

He spoke about the pain that he feels everyday and how people feel sorry for him for the pain that he experiences day in and day out. His response? Pain means I am still alive and that I have another day to live, when there is no more pain, there is no more life.

We serve a God who is able to heal our sick bodies, mend our broken hearts, and bring solution to every problem we face. And although we can not control what happens to us or determine how long we will endure struggles in life, it us up to us on how we choose to respond. God is near to the broken hearted and does not every bring struggles in our lives. He does allow them to make us stronger and more ready for what He has for us.

He is preparing us for what He has prepared for us.

Most of us are walking through difficult things and I wanted to encourage you today, to not lose hope! There is value in your struggle. What you are going through or have gone through is valuable! Let us see our life through the eyes of the one who has created us and who loves us.

Instead of asking God, "Why?" Let us be bold like this guest speaker and ask, "What are you showing me, what would you like me to do with this?" It is then that we will truly understand the heart of God.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

DARE: Realize today, that there is value in your struggle. Do not lose hope!

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Do.

Most of you who know me know me with really long hair! Over the past 6 months I would say my hair has grown incredibly long-almost Amazonian woman, hippie looking long. Most of my days it is wrapped up in a bun on the top of my head. To justify my hair do, I convince myself and others that the bun is the new do and if Jennifer Lopez, the Kardashians & every fashion blogger on Pinterest can rock it, so can I. Well it was just getting out of hand!

13 Inches.

New season, new do! This has been my motto since I was a high school student breaking up with a boyfriend. When I experience a change, my hair follows suite! Yesterday, I went to a salon and chopped off 13 inches of hair! The stylist cut it in a ponytail & I instagrammed it for all to see! It was a bit creepy holding hair that was once connected to my head.

Donate It.

I would have loved to donate my hair, but because it had been bleached I couldn't. Bummer. I wanted to know why bleached hair s not good to donate, so I googled it. When hair is donated, it goes through a cleaning process-hair that has been altered, bleached or dyed can not withstand the treatment. Original hair however, is strong enough to go through the process, making it perfect hair to donate.

Blog Moment.

While sitting in that salon, holding my 13 inches of hair, I had a BLOG moment. When you and I remain original & authentic to who we are, we are able to be a blessing to others. When we try and alter who we are, we are of no value to others.

So let us be true copies of ourselves, so that we can add value and be a blessing to those around us!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: You got your own style, now let it come through. And remember no matter what, you got to be you. -Sebastian (The Little Mermaid)

DARE: Be an original & fully embrace yourself today! People will thank you for it.