Monday, April 22, 2013

A Crappy Day.

Haha! I think the title alone just drew in some new readers. If  this is your first peek at my blog site, hello! This past week, BJ, (my husband) some of our launch team and I had the amazing privilege of joining 2,500 other church planters and ministry leaders at ARC's All Access Conference. It is one I will never forget. It changed me, challenged me and prepared me for the days ahead. It was so great seeing so many healthy leaders talk about their healthy churches and how the gospel of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed around the world. It is truly the best time to be a part of THE church!!! Like any other getaway, this one just didn't seem long enough, as I found myself back to work on Saturday morning.

Serve The City.

Our church teamed up with one of our favorite churches here in South Florida in what they called, "Serve The City." Over 600 people volunteered their Saturday to serve South Florida! We were so honored to be a part. We had 16 people from our church show up-which is awesome! The group was tasked to clean up a farm. Yes, a farm. For 3 1/2 hours, a group of about 50 people cleaned up hay, shoveled manure, and anything else that needed to be done. 

Picture Perfect.

There were other groups that were painting schools, participating in building projects, and other serving endeavours that to most, could appear as more desirable projects. BJ told me about how these 50 individuals not only cleaned up this farm but they did it with a lot of smiles, laughter and in record time. The owner of this particular farm was so impressed by their willingness and ability to get things done, she assigned more projects for them to complete. The group sent me pictures of their day and even considered it to be one of their favorite, most memorable days.


What was most remarkable to me was that our team didn't think anything less of the assignment given to them, rather, they served with their whole hearts. What some of our team didn't know, was that this farm is not only home to many horses, but it's a place where healing is found. This particular farm exists to help children who have experienced the loss of someone through their interaction with horses. Although our team never spent a second with a child who has experienced loss or had the chance to witness a child go through the healing  process, the part they played was invaluable!

Tomorrow's Rainbow.

What a concept! To think that our assignment in life, although may not seem glamorous or even purposeful at the time, if we are obedient and responsible with it, can help transform someone else's life! There was a BLOG moment, a life lesson, a perspective shift right in the middle of a 'crappy' day. (you see what I did there) Our team was not only excited to clean up a farm, they were honored to. They grabbed a hold of something that takes most people a lifetime to understand. There is a hurting world that desperately needs each of us to do our part, no matter what the task may look like or even smell like.

200 Man Hours.

During their time there, our team was told countless amount of stories of the children who have found hope and healing on the other side of great loss through this farm, "Tomorrow's Rainbow." The group completed over 200 man hours at this farm and made a difference to great too measure all because they were willing to do their part and serve with a heart that screams, "I will do whatever it takes to help hurting people, no matter what it looks like."

Taking It Home.

It is very easy to devalue the task/responsibility we have been entrusted with when we focus on the 'next thing' in our life. What is it that you are being entrusted with that may not seem so glamorous? Whatever it is, I encourage you to do it, and do it with all of your heart-you just never know how your crappy day can bring hope to someone else.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: There's value in crappy days.

DARE: Do whatever it is that you are asked to do with all your heart no matter what it looks like.

Just a few highlights of our day!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Turn The Tide.

This past week, my parents came to visit us here in our new home state of Florida. It was an amazing week filled with lots of hugs, kisses, laughter and pictures! We made great memories, and like every time, it was hard to say, "see you soon." As we drove up to the airport Kennedi began crying and even said that she didn't want Granny to go on the airplane. Talk about ripping your heart out! It was so crazy to see how at only 2 years old she knew the concept of Granny going back home. While they were here we decided to take them to see Key West. We had never been and thought it would be a great little getaway.


The Keys are beautiful! The drive was breathtaking- the ocean was turquoise and the sand was like a pearl-white. Ahh.. I can almost picture myself there again. I love road trips especially ones like that-they give me a chance to think, reflect, dream and relax. We have been going non stop lately so it was perfect timing to just getaway. As I was starring at the ocean's tide, I began reflecting on the last few weeks. Without going into too many details, there have been areas in my life that have been a challenge. I have found myself complaining about these situations more than I should and almost having a "woe is me" attitude. As I watched the tide go in and out I had a blog moment.

Turn The Tide.

BJ is a phenomenal communicator- in one of my favorite messages he shares, he gives an example of how we are not meant to be thermometers, but instead we should be thermostats. Thermometers GAGE the temperature around them, thermostats SET the temperature. Rather than sulk in the circumstances I have been given, God was calling me to SET the pace and turn the tide. Some of us don't enjoy our office environment and would rather transfer to a different job, but maybe God is wanting you to change the office environment for the better. Some of us don't like the neighborhood we live in and want to move to cleaner, kid-friendly place, but maybe God wants us to change our neighborhood and make it a place everyone wants to live. Maybe we don't like the school our kids attend and are looking for ways to get them in a better one, but maybe God wants us to volunteer at their school and contribute to making that school a better school for all students.

I don't know what area in your life isn't what you want it to look like, but I challenge you to see this as an opportunity to do something about it. Let us not be people who gage our environment, but let us be people who set the pace, people who turn the tide.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

DARE:  Turn the tide.

My Drive. Where I decided to 'Turn The Tide.'