Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Basket.

This past Friday night we took the girls to a glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt. This year is the first year our girls understand the concept of hunting for candy-filled eggs, so I was excited to take them. Most of the community Easter events are held on Saturdays and since I work every Saturday, I knew this was the only Easter Egg Hunt I could experience with them.

Oh No!

Half way to the event I realized I had forgotten their Easter baskets! I yelled over to BJ who was driving, "Turn the car around, I forgot their baskets!" Looking down at the clock and back at him a few times- we knew if we turned around now, we could potentially miss the Easter Egg Hunt. All of a sudden my mind was flooding with all kinds of horrible thoughts.


I started thinking about the what seems likes a million instagram posts I had scrolled through of my friends and their kids and all the Easter-themed days, moments, dinners. Some even had their own personal Easter bunny visit their homes (not really, but seemed like it at the time) Some of them had dyed their rice and pasta to look like dyed eggs, they had their kid's Easter basket custom made with their initials on it and had the whole thing hidden away for the past 3 months.


Meanwhile, my reality was that I had just purchased their Easter basket an hour before (while they were in the grocery cart with me) ran home in time to feed them oatmeal for dinner because I didn't prepare anything beforehand, changed their clothes and brushed their hair. Running out the door without their baskets!

Your Lane.

I expressed my feelings of being a horrible mother to BJ; not only had I forgotten their baskets, but this was the only "Easter-y" event I was able to experience with them... the list went on and on! I continued by comparing my reality to other's reality, or what I perceived to be their reality. BJ stopped me in mid sentence and said, "Sarah run in your own lane and be confident in it!"

Off Track.

For a second there, I had gotten a bit off track. In a moment of panic, I allowed insecurity to get the best of me. I am not the mother who makes organic soap in my backyard (I don't even have a backyard) nor am I the mom who has the menu for the week inscribed on a chalk board that I did as a Pinterest project one day! Most days I know that and embrace that, but last Friday I viewed those things as a weakness.


Knowing who you are is so important- but knowing who you are not is sometimes equally as important. As people we compare, and it is so easy to subconsciously compare our lives to others. Whether we see it on a social media forum or just by observing people's lives, we sometimes (if you're anything like me) ask questions like, "Am I doing enough with my life?" or, "Am I a thoughtful wife like her?" or, "Why am I not married by now?"You get the picture.

Turn It Around.

In this moment I had to be reminded to run in my lane and to be completely confident in whatever that lane looks like. It's OK to want to do more and be the best mother, sister, wife, friend, brother we can be, but it is not OK to beat ourselves up in the process. If you forget your kid's Easter basket, don't start going down rabbit trails of horrible thoughts. (see what I did there?) Instead, make your husband jump out of the car with the kids at the event, turn your car around and zip on home to pick the baskets up, go back to the Easter Egg Hunt and make it just in time for the kids to hunt for some candy-filled eggs. That's what I did anyways.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: You are not meant to live anyone else's reality.

DARE: Be confident in that reality, whatever that looks like.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easier and Harder.

Yesterday I spoke to one of my dearest friends on the phone. We talked, we laughed and caught up on life. We of course talked about what we were learning and areas we were being challenged in. She began to talk to me about how one day she would love to trust God so much that she would wake up in the morning and say, "God I know you got this!" and truly mean it. She asked if trusting God ever becomes easier, and wondered if she would ever truly get to that place.

One Step.

For most of you who have followed my journey, you have seen my story of trusting God one step at a time unfold right before your eyes. You have read about the times my faith seemed to fail or times when I have felt as though I can help change the world. When it comes to trusting God, this is what I have learned.

Daring Adventure.

Each step that God asks you and I to take will seem more daring than the step before. We often think that the steps of faith God is going to ask us to take will be less scary or will seem to be less of a risk. The opposite it usually the case. When BJ and I were newlyweds and we had an opportunity to move across the country for an amazing church, we without hesitation jumped at the opportunity. We felt as though if it worked out great, and if it didn't, OK! We didn't have many commitments, financial burdens, and not even a dog to care for. Making that choice to leave our lives, family and friends was a risky choice, but an easy one in comparison to the steps that would follow.

The steps of faith that we would take after that, would only prove to be more uncertain.

I have joked to people about BJ and I being "adventure junkies." Some people appreciate the term and some consider it "irresponsible." I think life is meant to be more than what most consider to be the "American Dream." But, maybe that's just me. What I mean when I say that we are adventure junkies, is that we have become addicted to trusting God and seeing Him prove Himself to be faithful to us over and over again.

I explained to my friend on the phone that while each step that God asks us to take becomes more daring and uncertain, your trust in Him becomes stronger and stronger.

The bigger the step, the more you HAVE to trust in God. Small steps can often be accomplished on our own, but as you and I begin to take bigger steps, our need for Him is inevitable. So although what we are doing isn't easier, trusting Him is.


God's desire is that our journey will bring us closer to Him. That we realize more and more how little we are and how great He is. I am not saying that your "big step of faith" is a move across the country or quitting your job. Your "big step of faith" is simply the next step. Whatever that looks like, whatever that may be, I encourage you to take it. This new season we are in is the most uncertain, scary, awesome season we have ever experienced. What has kept me from going crazy is the OBVIOUS need for Him in my life. BJ and I can not do this without Him. Trusting Him is easy.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior."
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Hillsong United, Zion.

DARE: Before you go to bed tonight and when you wake up in the morning declare, "God I know you got this!!" 

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bible.

We have been watching the six-week series, The Bible on the History Channel, every Sunday night. Last night we packed out our house with a bunch of new friends, made ice cream cones, popped popcorn & brewed lots of coffee. It was a celebration!! #JesusIsComing was a trending topic surrounding last night's show and like us, millions of viewers tuned in to see the birth and life of Jesus.


We were captivated as we watched the story of a baby, born of a virgin, named Jesus, the savior of the world. We have read this story time and time again, but seeing it was powerful! My favorite part was when Jesus swam out to Peter and jumped in his boat, compelling Peter to follow Him. When Peter asked Jesus what they would do together, Jesus replied, "We're going to change the world."

Bold Declaration.

Changing the world seems like a bold declaration if you ask me. It is crazy to think that just as Jesus called Peter to change the world with Him, I believe that He has asked you and I the same thing.

Unattainable Task.

Changing the world can feel like unattainable task. We can get so overwhelmed and not know where exactly to begin- I have felt like that before. When I learned about the thousands of kids that go to sleep at night with no food to eat in South Florida alone, I felt almost paralyzed.

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Changing the world begins when you and I change OUR world. YOUR world is your home, your workplace, your family, your community, etc. Changing our world is when we decide that although we can not do everything, we can do something.
What's Your Complaint?
My husband BJ tells me often when I have a "complaint" about something, whether it is children going to bed hungry or women being enslaved into sex trafficking that just maybe, I have been called to help bring resolution to that problem. It can even be as simple as not enjoying your work environment. Maybe you are supposed to be the light in the darkness, the JOY to that company.
Right People. Right Place. Right Plan.
I believe that you and I have been positioned where we are on the map, doing what we are doing, surrounded by a specific group of people for a purpose, and that purpose is to bring resolution to the problems, healing to the brokenness and hope to the hopelessness.
Loaves & Fishes.
As you and I take advantage of the little moments or the small window of opportunity to do something, I believe that God will give us resources and the creativity we need to change the world. You may not be able to house every orphan or wipe every tear, but you can do something!
Join Me.
Will you join me in changing the world. It is simple, let us begin changing OUR world and little by little, day by day, moment by moment.
Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."  
                                                                                                         -Mother Teresa.

DARE: Change something about YOUR world today!

Monday, March 11, 2013


This past weekend, we took our launch team with us to one of our favorite churches in South Florida. They had a special guest speaker that was to be revealed the day of the service. People were expectant and so were we. I always look forward to going to church- in this season we are checking out all kinds of churches. We love learning from other churches and seeing what they are all about.

The journey to #STAND.

I left yesterday's worship experience in awe of my God! The special guest speaker is a well-known pastor, who leads a mega church in Arizona. He shared his story of how in 2011, he was diagnosed with an "incurable" disease. I do not remember the medical term for his disease, but it wasn't a good prognosis or diagnosis. He was given a life expectancy of 9 years maximum and was told that there is no treatment or cure to this disease.

There was not a dry eye in the auditorium.

He explained how just  the act getting out of bed, walking across the stage, standing up and sitting down had become extremely difficult. He spoke about how this disease has effected his children, his wife, his church members and those closest to him. And then he said something that I will never forget...

"There is value in your struggle."

He stood on that stage, weak in his body, yet far stronger than every able- bodied person in that room. He reminded us, that life is not fair and that there are things we can not control, but if choose to see the value in our struggle, that God can use it for His glory and purpose. He spoke boldly about the love of God for Him! With every ounce of his being he knows that God is able to heal his body, but if He chooses not to, he knows that God has a purpose for his life far greater than anything we can ever see on this side of eternity.

His strength was made perfect in his weakness.

He spoke about the pain that he feels everyday and how people feel sorry for him for the pain that he experiences day in and day out. His response? Pain means I am still alive and that I have another day to live, when there is no more pain, there is no more life.

We serve a God who is able to heal our sick bodies, mend our broken hearts, and bring solution to every problem we face. And although we can not control what happens to us or determine how long we will endure struggles in life, it us up to us on how we choose to respond. God is near to the broken hearted and does not every bring struggles in our lives. He does allow them to make us stronger and more ready for what He has for us.

He is preparing us for what He has prepared for us.

Most of us are walking through difficult things and I wanted to encourage you today, to not lose hope! There is value in your struggle. What you are going through or have gone through is valuable! Let us see our life through the eyes of the one who has created us and who loves us.

Instead of asking God, "Why?" Let us be bold like this guest speaker and ask, "What are you showing me, what would you like me to do with this?" It is then that we will truly understand the heart of God.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

DARE: Realize today, that there is value in your struggle. Do not lose hope!

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Do.

Most of you who know me know me with really long hair! Over the past 6 months I would say my hair has grown incredibly long-almost Amazonian woman, hippie looking long. Most of my days it is wrapped up in a bun on the top of my head. To justify my hair do, I convince myself and others that the bun is the new do and if Jennifer Lopez, the Kardashians & every fashion blogger on Pinterest can rock it, so can I. Well it was just getting out of hand!

13 Inches.

New season, new do! This has been my motto since I was a high school student breaking up with a boyfriend. When I experience a change, my hair follows suite! Yesterday, I went to a salon and chopped off 13 inches of hair! The stylist cut it in a ponytail & I instagrammed it for all to see! It was a bit creepy holding hair that was once connected to my head.

Donate It.

I would have loved to donate my hair, but because it had been bleached I couldn't. Bummer. I wanted to know why bleached hair s not good to donate, so I googled it. When hair is donated, it goes through a cleaning process-hair that has been altered, bleached or dyed can not withstand the treatment. Original hair however, is strong enough to go through the process, making it perfect hair to donate.

Blog Moment.

While sitting in that salon, holding my 13 inches of hair, I had a BLOG moment. When you and I remain original & authentic to who we are, we are able to be a blessing to others. When we try and alter who we are, we are of no value to others.

So let us be true copies of ourselves, so that we can add value and be a blessing to those around us!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: You got your own style, now let it come through. And remember no matter what, you got to be you. -Sebastian (The Little Mermaid)

DARE: Be an original & fully embrace yourself today! People will thank you for it.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yesterday marked day 8 of my new schedule. It has gone really well- each morning I have been waking up extra early to workout, spend a little time in prayer, reading and blogging, all before the girls are up and ready for the day. I get dressed in time to spend some quality time with my family before I leave for work. I feel so much better, seem to have more energy and at the end of my day, I feel accomplished! I have even been taking my vitamins every night. Finally, I have found a schedule that works for me in my new role as full time working mommy, who happens to be planting a church too. I loved the response from my post on Monday. I especially loved reading your comments about all that you are grateful for. Since Sunday night, I have been determined that this was going to be a great week at work. Why? Because I am grateful for it!

It's Tuesday.

Yesterday was a beautiful morning! The sun was shining, but it was still cool. The birds were chirping and I was excited about the day. My workout was extra productive and as I was walking into the house, the smell of coffee and pancakes greeted my senses. BJ had already started preparing our big breakfast we have every Tuesday morning. I go into work an hour later on Tuesdays, so we try to have a big breakfast together since I usually miss dinner time this night, working later. BJ made a yummy breakfast. (these pancakes are actually protein pancakes, so they are not only good for you, but they taste delish!!)We listened to one of our new favorite albums, "Zion" by Hillsong United and enjoyed each others company.  

Great Hair Day.

I had a great hair day, my outfit came together nicely, and I even found a necklace I had been looking for in my drawer. I had a pep in my step and was on my second cup of coffee before I walked out of the door. It was going to be a great day. Why? Because I am grateful for it!

Principal's Office.

Then it all went downhill from there. Without going into too many details, let me just say, the day went south. It was probably one of the most stressful, event-filled, never want to re live it again, kind of days. It. Was. Horrible. If I were in school again, it would be equivalent to spending the day in the Principal's office after being locked in my school locker by the school's bully!

Running Late.

BJ and I had dinner plans last night, and because I had to put out a few more fires before the day's end, we were about 30 minutes late. I opened the car door to see three smiling, beautiful faces. I exhaled in much relief, my crazy hectic day was officially over. On our car ride to dinner, I went play by play with BJ about my day. He of course helped bring laughter to the situation and reminded me on what really mattered.

Discouraged. Be Encouraged.

I don't know if you have been discouraged since trying to walk in an attitude of gratefulness or if you have been trying new things, new routines and feeling resistance, but today I want to encourage you to not fret. Whatever "new" thing you are trying, keep trying and do not give up or give in. Whenever you experience resistance like this you can be sure of one thing, you are in the right place doing the right thing. I may have had a crazy, not so fun day, but guess what? I am still grateful for my job and determined to have better days in the days to come.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"Today was going to be a good day, then I woke up." anonymous (A little humor today)

DARE: Keep going, don't be driven off course by discouragement.

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's Monday.

We had such a great weekend! This past weekend, I had Sunday off, which was nice. We were able to check out a local church, we went out for lunch afterwards with friends and then spent the rest of the day resting- we even went for a nice walk to get frozen yogurt. The weather has been absolutely divine, staying in the low 60's all week/weekend. As I was getting ready for bed I leaned over to BJ and whispered, I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I know that I am not the only one who on a Sunday night wishes they didn't have to begin a new work week.


I laid in bed for a while and I ran through the many reasons why going to work the next day didn't sound so exciting. Work has been a bit stressful these past few weeks. It is a Sales position with a lot of demand. As I was about half way through my list, I felt as God reveal to me my attitude of being ungrateful. Ouch. Not in an audible voice, but a whisper in my ear I heard Him explain to me that 

An ungrateful heart says, "I have to." A grateful heart says, "I get to." 

While I was running through my silly list, I was being ungrateful. To be transparent, I was upset that I "had" to go to work the next day. Prior to making the big move across the country, we were promised some things. There was a particular organization that was going to help us financially, affording BJ and I the opportunity to work full time for our church. A few weeks before moving, the organization let us know that unfortunately, they were no longer able to fulfill their commitments.

I Get To.

We knew that no matter what it looked like, we were not going to back out, but instead press forward- knowing that God would take care of our every need. God has taken care of our every need since being here- one of the many ways He has done so is through this job. It not only provides for us, but it has proven to be one of the best ways to meet people! I have met some amazing people since working here. Sure, I would love nothing more than to work side by side my husband BJ day in and day out working on things for our church, but right now this is where God has placed me. Sure I would love to spend more than just a few hours with my girls each day and be able to spend my days with them like I did for 2 years, but right now this is where God has placed me.

Make a List.

Laying in my bed, I immediately started listing off the many reasons why this job is perfect for me in this season-to my surprise, my list was pretty long. It was the perfect way to say good night!


My heart's desire is be present in every moment, to be fully awake looking for opportunities each day! I don't want to have moments of gratitude, but I want to live a life of gratefulness. I have a lot to be grateful for, and so do you. So, if you are having the case of the Mondays, I encourage you to begin listing off all the things you are grateful for, I promise you, it will change your day.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

 "In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
                                                                           1 Thessalonians 5:18

DARE:  Make a list of 10 things that you are grateful for! Share one or two with us here but commenting in the comment box below.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Yesterday, while at work, a resident who was moving out asked if anyone wanted a fish. I excitedly screamed out, "I do!" The guy brought over this little fish tank and said, "Sarah meet Rocky, Rocky meet Sarah."

Beta Fish.

Rocky. What a cool name. Suddenly, I remembered the countless amount of fish that I used to win at the fair grounds who never made it passed the plastic bag I would bring them home in. "How do I keep him alive?" I asked. She giggled out loud and then began to tell me how Rocky had defied many odds. Rocky had jumped out of his bowl many times and apparently had a few close calls. So, keeping him alive shouldn't be a problem. His name became even more fitting to me.

Rocky The Fish.

I brought Rocky home and introduced him to his new family. The girls were so excited! They wanted to hold, kiss and pet Rocky. After we explained to them how Rocky needs to stay in his fish bowl, they were content to just stare at him. For a long time.

24 Hours.

Knowing that Rocky had defied the odds, the pressure was on. We couldn't let Rocky die his first night home! But after a careful evaluation, BJ and bet that Rocky wouldn't make it to the morning. Sad right? Good news, Rocky was still alive this morning- doesn't look like he will be seeing a toilet bowl anytime soon. Whew!

Defying The Odds.

There have been many times in my life where people have bet against me and my odds and I am sure the same is for you. No matter how tough you are, when people doubt you or seem to have a lack of confidence in who you are or what you are doing, it can be disheartening. No matter how many times I would tell myself that what they had to say didn't matter compared to what God, my family and those in leadership (pastors, mentors, etc) had to say about me, I allowed it to offend me instead of fuel me.

Big, Audacious & Crazy.

We have all defied the odds, we have all jumped out of our fish bowls a time or two, but that doesn't discount the BIG dreams we are supposed to dream, AUDACIOUS prayers we are supposed to pray, or the CRAZY risks we are supposed to take. In fact, the more we do these things, the more people we will have rooting against us. It comes with the territory. But just as you and I have what we call "haters", you will also have people in your corner who believe in you and are not threatened by your success. I am not talking about 'yes' people who will not challenge you or cause you to be better, I am talking about people who want the best for you.

Rocky The Movie.

Get around those people, and just like Rocky (the movie) get a Mick to stand in your corner and help you see life's greatest challenges as God opportunities in your life! Get around people who rally behind you and fight with you and for you for the very best in your life. My hope is that this blog plays a role in encouraging you to dream bigger! Rocky was an underdog who defied many odds, I hope the same will be true for you, me, and our new family member Rocky, the beta fish.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week's TRUTH or DARE.

"But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody, you're better than that." -from the move Rocky.

DARE:  Keep dreaming, keep praying, keep believing and never listen to naysayers while you're doing it.

Meet Rocky. The fish.