Monday, January 9, 2012

Cheers to 2012.

Can you believe it is 2012? I don't know about you, but I have never been so excited and expectant about a new year like I am for this one. I love seeing everyone's Facebook and twitter updates declaring that this is going to be their best year ever! There is something stirring in the hearts and minds of people all over and I have to say I am one of those people. I truly believe that this is going to be my best year! I have to admit, I have never been an "out with the old in with the new" kind of person. I know better than to assume that just because the apple dropped and we rang in a new year that things are going to be magically different than they were last year. I guess that is why I have never made new year's resolutions or drank the "new year, new me" Kool-Aid. But this year is different.

Don't forget 2011.

This year is different because I am different. I am not the same person I was when I rang in 2011 at the hospital after giving birth to my two babies Kennedi & Brooklyn. Being the best mommy I could be was truly my new year's resolution and I can honestly say, I devoted 2011 to doing just that. We took big risks in 2011, experienced disappointment, our faith was tested, and our dreams were defined. Our family experienced a lot of "firsts" as we watched our little girls grow up right before our eyes. I shared with you many of those experiences. So, I am not quick to forget 2011 and I don't think you should either. Whether your year was filled with tragedy and heartache or promotion and blessing what we learned in 2011 is critical for what we will experience in 2012. As I was thinking about 2012, I really felt God asking me two questions that I felt I should share with all of you.

1. What do you want me to do for you?

Every year I buy a new journal, a planner and this time I even bought a new coffee mug. Not sure about you, but God usually speaks to me after a few cups of coffee. As I starred at the blank pages I was challenged to write some pretty bold requests. I began to write down some very specific, out of this world, only God can make this happen, kind of dreams. I almost felt a little out of touch with reality.

"Sometimes faith seems like a denial of reality, but that's because we're holding on to a reality that is more real than the reality we can perceive with our five senses." -Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker

The things I wrote down scared me and excited me all at the same time. If this year is going to be my best year ever than I needed to write down some crazy things! What do you want God to do for you? Yes, if you could see anything and have anything what would that be? I encourage you to ask yourself this question and answer it boldly. 

2. Will you TRUST me to answer these requests how I want to?

After I starred at these crazy dreams, I was challenged to give them over completely to God. I made the request but it will be Him who writes the story. I gave Him the what, He will determine the how. To be honest, I wasn't as excited about this part but I know that if I want to see all that I have in my heart for this year become a reality then I must be willing to trust Him with the process. When we moved to Los Angeles last April I really thought it was about God placing us a the right place at the right time, but as I look back on all that we have walked through since our move, I understand that it was more about becoming the right person. We took the risk, we made the move, but it was all the "blog material stories" that has changed me into the person He wants me to become. 

As you and I embark on a new year with great anticipation let us not forget the lessons and hard times we encountered in 2011. Everything you and I went through last year made us stronger, wiser, and more equipped for this year. This year will be different because you and I are different people. This will be our best year ever. 

My new year's resolutions are to: Trust God more. Pray audacious prayer. Dream big. Believe His promises are true. Love authentically. Run a half marathon. Give more. What are your new year's resolutions? Please share. 

I will be GIVING away a copy of my new favorite book, The Circle Maker to someone who officially follows this blog and comments on this post. 

I think I will. Cheers to 2012!

TRUTH:                     “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
                                           and no mind has imagined
                                            what God has prepared
                                             for those who love him. 

                                                                 1 Corinthians 2:9

DARE: Write down bold, specific things you want to see happen in 2012 and BELIEVE. 


  1. Great Post Sarah! Looks like we have A LOT of the same goals & dreams for 2012. I will run my 1st Half Marathon on March 18th right here at Wrightsville Beach - I'm super duper excited! I have heard GREAT things about the Circle Maker and would love to add it to my 2012 list of MUST reads! Hope 2012 is all you PRAY & Believe it will be :) xo!

  2. Awesome post! I too have been setting goals for myself and my family instead of resolutions. I am praying and believing that Billy and I are going to see thing happen in our life this year that we didnt even think were possible. I have also been praying and believing for you family as well bc I know great things are going to happen for you guys too. I know both of you are going to see some of your biggest dreams fulfilled this year.

  3. Great Blog Sarah. I am guilty of not setting goals or resolutions this year. YET! I have given some thoughts and prayers about it but have not put it in writing yet. Your blog encourages me to do so. I so need to be motivated in this area. However, I, too, agree that this year is going to be my year of restoration and accleration. I need to put some actions to that. Do my part so God can do His!!! Thanks for the encouraging words.

  4. new years resolutions scare me because I never manage to keep them and I hate to intentionally railroad my self esteem by setting myself up for failure. I saw someone on facebook say that they weren't setting resolutions this year but they were setting spiritual goals for the year. I thought I CAN do that!! Pray more...give more of my time my money my talents to my church and community....totally CAN DO.

  5. Charity! GO GIRL! I am cheering you on. Wish we lived on the same coast, maybe we could have ran it together. xoxo

    Missy! Love you much and in your corner, believing that what you are TRUSTING Him with, you will see happen.

    Denise! Setting the goal is a great first step.

    Jennifer! Yes you can! Set some bold goals, I believe in YOU.

    1. :-) Thanks! I really want to be a better walk before my children and God!!!

  6. Great blog! You inspired me to get going on my "bucket" list. I hope to enjoy the journey as well as the destination!

    Keep writing and inspiring :)

    1. Thank you!! You have always been MY inspiration. Means the world to me that you are inspired by me :) Love you!!!


Will you take me up on the DARE? How so? Would love to hear back from you.