Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On Your Marks.

I don't know about you but I have made the promise, "I will start Monday" a time or two when referring to working out, eating healthy, or any goal I have set for myself. If we are honest, I think we all have. I was so overwhelmed by the response to the last Blog post, "Cheers to 2012;" most of you are like me and very hesitant to make new years resolutions in fear of coming up short. Some of you referred to your new year's resolutions as goals or hopes for 2012 and I think that is great. I am a huge goal setter and I love planning out things. BJ makes fun of me because I prefer writing in a planner over using an app to plan out my week, month and even year. There is something exciting about writing things down. Are you like that?  Or is it just me?

Start Running. 

One of my goals/new year's resolutions is to run a half marathon. I have thought about it, talked about about it and even made it a goal of mine times before, but this is the year I will do it! I tweeted to my fellow twitter friends asking them for their help getting started. My cousin replied to my tweet, "Start running." I laughed out loud because I was hoping to obtain some information about registering for a marathon or information about when/where the next marathon was being held etc. But how true is his advice? If I want to run a half marathon this year, I need to simply start running. As I looked over my other goals/ dreams for 2012 I realized that if I want to see these dreams become a reality, I must start today. I need to kick the," I'll start Monday" mentality to the curb. There have been many times when "Monday" has never come and desires inside of me, dreams of doing and accomplishing great things that have remained just that, a dream. 

Start Today. 

What is something on your list that you are planning to start on Monday that you can begin today? Is it a vacation you are hoping to take with your family that you can begin saving for today? Is it a new business or company you have been dreaming about starting that you can begin doing research today? Is it to lose weight and you can start today by cutting out soda? What is it that you are believing for that you can begin today? It doesn't have to be the entire 13.1 miles that you want to one day be able to run, but it can be a mile or even two. What are you waiting for? Get to it!

I'm going to start today by running two miles. What are you going to start today? Please share in the comment box below. I am going to continue the book giveaway for this post as well. Leave a comment and enter in to win a copy of my new favorite book, "The Circle Maker."

TRUTH: "One day, tomorrow will be yesterday." -BJ Johnson

DARE: Start today.


  1. Wow!!!! I can feel your excitement, your energy, your commitment, and your
    joy. I too have set many goals for myself that have remained in the DREAMS sphere. No more, I promise to start running, TODAY.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. I am excited and I am determined. This IS the year!!! I am so glad you are taking me up on my DARE.

  2. Thanks for this reminder about starting today!! One of our few goals for this year is to take Madison to Disney World and we've already been making preperations for that. There are goals that we set for ourselves that we cannot afford, whether physically, spiritually or financially, to wait until next Monday to start on. My prayer is that God would give us the strength to stick to our goals and not wait another day to take steps to do what He wants us to do!

    1. Disney World! Sounds fun!! I am praying with you that God will give you supernatural strategy to be able to do what is in your heart. Looking forward to seeing all the pics from your trip to Florida!

  3. I think what I want to start TODAY is more quiet time with God, more others and less me, more positive thinking especially on rough days when everything seems so bad. Got to remember that JOY COMES IN THE MORNING!

    1. I just read something that talked about how when we have a rough day or moment that it is easy to just throw away our goals, but when we set smaller goals they are not only easier to achieve, but we will be more committed to not letting them go. Yes, JOY comes in the morning.

  4. This is very inspiring! One of our Goals for this year is be debt free and start saving to buy a house. This is a goal I am determine to make happen because we want to buy as house in 2013. I started out by making a strict budget for us and making a plan that includes paying off our small debts this year. We are so determined to make this happen that we are cutting expenses every way possible. I am couponing even more, we have stopped eating out, and we travel as little as possible in order to save money on gas. We will be debt free by the end of the year and be well on our way to buying a house in 2013. We also have one more goals that we are working towards this year but you already know what that is and I don't think you want me to share the details on how we are making it happen. LOL!

    1. Thank you Missy! Keep that goal in front of you. Even when you feel like you are not making progress, know that you are making tiny steps to see that dream become a reality! Love you and so glad you are taking me up on this DARE.


Will you take me up on the DARE? How so? Would love to hear back from you.